「Doctor, I'd like to go with the 'natural remedy' if possible.」
「わたし、ヒミツの趣味があるの。どんな趣味かはないしょ。 仲良くなったら教えてあげるかもね。」
「This world is full of spirits and magic... Some don't believe me, but I know it's true. I can see it in your eyes... you believe in the other world, like me.」
「I wish Haley would get a job or at least contribute to cooking and cleaning. I think she's hoping to marry someone rich.」
「There's good people in this town who just can't seem to find happiness. It makes me sad. Working in the saloon, I hear first-hand about everyone's problems.」
「You know, [プレイヤー名]... I think the future looks bright for both of us.」
「あっ、 [プレイヤー名]。 I always knew we'd become close like this...」
「I don't have any huge plans for life. I prefer not to stress about the future.」
「There's so many invisible barriers holding us back. Why can't people learn to let go and celebrate freedom? Me? Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'」
「I wonder where the flying insects go when it rains? Don't they get hit by the raindrops?」
「A day like this is a blessing from mother nature.」
「I meant to let the parrot go free, but his wing never fully healed. He seems content, though. I give him lots of attention. He told me that he's happy here.」
「I never told you this... but when you first moved here I had a dream about you. I knew right then that our life-paths would intertwine.」
「I know you pride yourself on your work, but don't overdo it today. Okay, honey?」
Giving gift
「Good morning... I got this gift for you. Don't worry, I already purified it with sage incense.」
「Every moment has a unique and precious beauty... do you notice? It can be easy to forget, sometimes.」
「I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!」
「How was your day, [プレイヤー名]? You look a little soggy.」
「My day was very peaceful. How was yours?」
「Does the sound of rain ever put you in a trance?」
「Certain spirits only appear in the rain. Maybe you've heard their cries?」
Giving food
「Want some dessert? It's my special raw, gluten-free version, sweetened only with cactus syrup.」
「I'm going to visit town today, and later on I'm going to help out at the saloon. Have a nice day.」
「I hope we can raise [child] to be kind and considerate. That's more important than getting A's in school.」
「Is one child enough, or should we raise another? I guess we'll just see where fate leads us.」
「I lit a pale green candle and shook a sprig of baby-mint over %kid1. That should ward off any dangerous spirits」
「A big house, two kids and a parrot... I have my hands full!」
「Well, [child] certainly has your hair...」
「Oh, I already fed the kids their organic quinoa puffs with goat milk. You just focus on the farm!」
「I hope you'll still like me when I grow old and my hair turns to a dull, faded steel.」
「I feel uninspired today.」
「This is so fun to live together! I always thought I'd be single my whole life.」
「It was our destiny to be together... I believe that with all my heart!」
「Thanks for taking me into your home. I love this new life.」
「Our vibrational energies are perfectly in tune. Can't you feel it?」
「I was just admiring my wedding amulet... The shell is beautiful! I can feel the pure blue energy radiating from it.」
「I had another dream about us last night. We had climbed to the top of a crystal tree, looking down on the most lush and beautiful meadow. I keep having this dream. I don't know what it means, but I feel that it's a good omen.」
春 1日
「Happy new year, honey. Let's make this a special one.」
春 1日
「My friends, the plants, have come back to life. I feel content.」
春 22日
「Hmm... I'm thinking maybe a salad of fresh foraged greens for dinner tonight?」
「Phew! It's hot but it feels great, doesn't it? Maybe we'll see some wild parrots today.」
夏 2日
「May Yoba bless you on this lovely day.」
夏 20日
「The energy in our bodies fluctuate just as the seasons do. Understanding your own unique rhythm is the first step to inner harmony.」
「I drank a super-food smoothie this morning and I feel aaah-mazing!」
秋 1日
Day before the Stardew Valley Fair
「Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?」
秋 25日
「Our bodies are naturally in tune with the seasons. This light and color of fall compels us to prepare for the barren winter. To our distant ancestors, this feeling was encompassing and vital. For us, it only barely peeks through the noise of modern life.」
「Whoops, my hair is frozen solid again.」
冬 2日
「I can't help but think of all the poor, frozen squirrels out there right now.」
冬 5日
「*sigh*... Why does there have to be war and hatred in the world?」
冬 15日
「On a day like this, I have a craving for cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and cardamom.」
「[プレイヤー名], you broke my heart... I just can't talk to you anymore...