Leo is shown adjusting well to life in Stardew Valley. He is seen cooking a bean hotpot with Linus on the campfire. In the next scene, he is at school at the library/museum with Penny, Vincent and Jas answering a question correctly. Another scene shows him fishing with Willy. The scene after has him watching Jas from the bushes in the playground, and running away when she notices. He arrives home at the treehouse and talks to his parrot friend about how good his day was, but he still misses Ginger Island.
通常 - ジンジャーアイランド
「Hi... Everything okay?」
「When Sun is angry, it feels good in the jungle. Sun can't find us beneath the leaves. We trick him! Haha...」
「...Sorry... I'm shy today.」
「...I'm sad today. You go on... have fun. Let me be sad.」
「I've learned a lot from my parrot family... I'm sure there's a lot more out there I don't know.」
「Be careful in the volcano... the spirits don't like outsiders.」
「Have you met the others like you? don't talk to them much. I feel safer with my own kind...」
「I wonder if I could see your home from the top of the volcano?」
「When it rains, strange birds visit. I try to speak to them... but they fly away. I guess they don't want to be friends...」
ハート6以上 - 本土
「Miss Penny is doing her best to get me up to speed in my schooling. She's really nice.... ..Luckily, I remember some things from my old, old life... before washing up on the island... so it's not as difficult as it could be. Miss Penny says she's impressed with how much I know!」
「Between Linus and Miss Penny, I'm going to learn everything there is to learn! Mayor Lewis says I'm on the fast track to becoming a 'well-rounded citizen'... whatever that means.」
「Have you ever noticed all the interesting birds that live here? If you listen closely, they might tell you something.」
「Linus has been teaching me about all the wild food in the valley. There's a lot of good stuff out here! Though... I do kind of miss having golden walnuts for breakfast every morning...」
「Hey, [Player]. Nice to see you back on the island, just like old times. This is fun! You know, I was scared when you first arrived... I knew my life was about to change.」
「You know, Stardew Valley might be my new home... but the island will always be my home, too. It's nice to be able to come back and visit.」
「Maybe some day, I'll visit Zuzu City... But I'm not even close to being ready, yet. This world is already so strange to me, and I'm very comfortable here right now!」
ハート8以上 - 本土
「It felt bad at first... to leave the island and set foot in a strange land. But, I got used to it after a while. I'm a very flexible person!」
「Uncle Linus says I should 'cook' my fish before eating it... I'm having a hard time getting used to it... so dry...」
ハート10 - 本土
「I felt like a stranger here, at first. But I've made a lot of friends! For once, I feel like I belong...」
「I'm sure Jas and Vincent thought I was weird, at first. I accidentally squawked at the school table a few times... that didn't help. It was a big change for everyone. But we're good friends now!」
「The parrots want me to thank you for all the golden walnuts you've found. They're really enjoying them.」
「[Player]? Um... I'm a little embarrassed to ask.. But... do you think Jas would ever like a guy like me? Or am I too weird? Hahaha... who cares. I'll figure it out some day.」
「The birds of this valley don't mind the cold so much. I'm a little jealous of their warm coats...」
「Linus taught me how to make a special spice berry rubbed fish... He says if I eat enough of it it'll keep me warm this winter!」
「Linus feels uncomfortable about joining in, so I'm going to keep him company. We'll have our own little feast... mashed winter root and spice berry fish!」