
提供: Stardew Valley Wiki
2018年3月8日 (木) 05:11時点におけるSzst (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (英語版66545からDialogueを英原文のまま追加)
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動


Robin building.png
- ロビン


Szstによって最後に編集されました 2018-03-08 05:11:42.

- 開発ブログ #12







彼のスケジュールは、季節や天候、特定の日付によって基本パターンから外れる可能性があります。 以下は、彼のスケジュールを優先度の高い順に並べたものです。 (例:雨の日の行動パターンが季節ごとの行動パターンよりも優先される場合)



時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
午前11:00 Leaves his bedroom and walks to JojaMart.
午後12:50 Arrives at JojaMart and starts work.
午後4:00 Finshes work at JojaMart and walks home.
午後6:00 Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
午後9:30 Goes to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
午前10:40 Plays his guitar in his bedroom.
午後2:00 Leaves house and stands near Mayor's Manor by the river
6:30: PM Heads back home.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
午前11:00 Leaves his bedroom and walks to JojaMart.
午後12:50 Arrives at JojaMart and starts work.
午後4:00 Finshes work at JojaMart and walks home.
午後6:00 Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
午後9:30 Goes to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up and stands in front of his dresser..
午前10:40 Plays guitar inside his bedroom
午後1:40 Leaves his bedroom and walks to the bush southeast of Lewis' house.
3.00 PM Stands in front of the bush to the southeast of Lewis' house.
午後6:30 Starts walking home.
7.50 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his desk.
午後9:00 Goes to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up and plays guitar inside his bedroom
午前11:00 Leaves his bedroom and skateboards outside of his house.
午後3:00 Walks to the Stardrop Saloon
4.00 PM Arrives at the Stardrop Saloon and plays pool near the arcade.
午後9:20 Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and walks home.
10.20 PM Arrives at home.


時刻 場所
午前9:00 Wakes up and stands in front of his dresser.
午前11:00 Leaves his bedroom and walks to the bridge near the Museum.
午後12:00 Arrives at the bridge near the Museum.
午後4:00 Leaves the bridge near the Museum and walks to the tree in front of Emily and Haley's house.
4.40 PM Arrives at the tree outside Emily and Haley's house and plays his handheld video game.
7.00 PM Walks home.
午後7:30 Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
午後9:30 Goes to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前10:40 Plays guitar inside his bedroom
午後1:40 Leaves the his bedroom walks into town and stands near Lewis's house by the river.
午後6:30 Returns home from town.
午後9:00 Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

誕生日 (Jojaマートが開いている雨以外の日)

時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前11:00 Leaves his bedroom and heads to JojaMart with his mother Jodi.
午後12:50 Arrives at JojaMart.
午後4:00 Leaves JojaMart and heads back home.
午後5:50 Arrives home, moves around his bedroom.
午後9:00 Goes to bed.

誕生日 (Jojaマートが開いている雨の日)

時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前11:00 Starts playing his guitar in his room.
3.00 PM Leaves Bedroom, stands in kitchen and looks at his mobile phone.
午後5:00 Heads back to his bedroom, moves around.
午後8:00 Goes to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前11:00 Plays guitar inside his bedroom
午後1:40 Leaves his bedroom and walks to the beach by the firepit with his brother Vincent.
午後7:00 Returns home from the beach.
午後9:00 Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom. "I gotta go visit Uncle Doctor today... Great."
午前11:30 Walks to the clinic for his annual checkup, plays his handheld video game in the waiting room.
午後1:30 Gets medical checkup at the clinic. "I'm a healthy boy, doc. Can I go now? This is boring."
午後4:00 Leaves the clinic to walk into town. "I just got out of the doctor's office. Completely healthy and vigorous, just as I expected."
午後9:00 Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前10:40 Plays guitar inside his bedroom
午後1:20 Leaves the his bedroom walks to The Forest southwest of Leah's Cottage.
午後7:00 Returns home from The Forest
午後9:00 Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前10:40 Plays guitar inside his bedroom
午後1:20 Leaves the his bedroom walks to the Stardrop Saloon.
午後7:00 Returns home from the Stardrop Saloon.
午後9:00 Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Day 9 & Day 23 (ペニー友好度が6未満)

時刻 場所
午前9:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前11:00 Leaves the his bedroom walks into town.
午後4:00 Continues to walk around town, plays his handheld video game.
午後7:00 Returns home from town.
午後9:30 Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, stands in front of the dresser in his room.
午前11:00 Plays guitar inside his room.
午後3:00 Plays his handheld video game in the kitchen inside his house.
午後5:00 Returns to his bedroom. and stands in front of his dresser.
午後6:30 At his desk inside his bedroom.
午後8:00 Goes to go to bed.

雨の日 (2年目以降の夏~冬)

時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
午前11:00 Moves around inside his home
午後2:00 Leaves the his bedroom walks to The Stardrop Saloon. "Nothing like an ice cold Joja Cola on a sopping wet day, huh? Just kidding. Hehehe."
午後7:40 Leaves The Stardrop Saloon and returns to his bedroom to go to bed.


時刻 場所
午前8:00 Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom and walks just outside to stand by the river in front of Haley and Emily's house.
午前11:00 Walks to a nearby bush and plays his handheld video game in town.
午後12:30 Leaves town, goes to his bedroom with Sebastian to practice guitar.
午後3:00 Hangs out in his room with Sebastian.
午後6:00 Leaves his home to walk to the river in front of his house with Sebastian.
午後7:40 Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.

月曜日 & 水曜日(公民館復旧後)

時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom
午前11:00 Leaves the his bedroom walks to the Museum.
午後4:00 Leaves the Museum, returns home.
午後6:30 In his bedroom in front of bookshelf.
午後9:30 In his bedroom in bed.


時刻 場所
午前10:00 Wakes up for the day, plays guitar inside his bedroom
午前11:00 Leaves the his bedroom walks into town to go skateboarding.
午後3:00 Walks to The Stardrop Saloon to play pool near the arcade.
午後9:20 Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and walks home to his bedroom to go to bed.
Mermaid's Pendant.png 結婚
時刻 場所






プレイヤーはサムに週2回(誕生日に1回)プレゼントすることができ、それによって彼との友好度が上がったり下がったりします。彼の誕生日(Summer.png の17日)にプレゼントすると8倍の効果があり、特殊な会話が見られます。


「誕生日プレゼント? 親切にどうも、 ありがとう!」

「誕生日を覚えていたんだな! ありがとう。これは いいものだ。」


「誕生日プレゼントだって! ありがとう。」


「おや… 誕生日プレゼントに? ありがとう…」


「Aw, yea! This is my absolute favorite!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
Sam Happy.png
Cactus Fruit.png
サボテンフルーツ ウチワサボテンに実るあまいフルーツ。 採取 - カリコ砂漠
Maple Bar.png
メープルバー 上にメープルシロップがかかったあま~いドーナツ。 料理 Maple Syrup.png メープルシロップ(1)Sugar.png 砂糖(1)Wheat Flour.png コムギ粉(1)
ピザ だれもが好きな永遠のベストレシピ。 料理 Wheat Flour.png コムギ粉(1)Tomato.png トマト(1)Cheese.png チーズ(1)
ジオード鉱物 キラキラした金色のしまもようが、ぬくもりあるかがやきを生み出している。 鉱物


「Thanks! I really like this.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
Sam Pleased.png
Joja Cola.png
Jojaコーラ Joja社の目玉商品。 Jojaマート, 釣り, 酒場の自販機


「You got that for me? Thanks!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
Sam Neutral.png


「Hmm.. this is... interesting.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
Sam Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
マッシュルーム 食感がよくておいしいキノコ。ほのかにナッツの香りがする。 採取 -
アンズタケ おいしいキノコ。フルーティーな香りのなかに、ちょっぴりコショウの香りが混じる。 採取 -
ラッパスイセン 古くから親しまれている春の花。贈りものによろこばれる。 採取 -
タンポポ 花はパッとしないが、葉っぱがおいしいサラダになる。 採取 -
ヘーゼルナッツ とびきり大きいヘーゼルナッツ。 採取 -
ひいらぎ 赤い実をつける植物。葉にトゲがある。冬の飾りつけによくつかわれる。 採取 -
ポロネギ ネギの仲間。あまみがあっておいしい。 採取 -
アミガサタケ 独特のかぐわしい香りゆえに珍重されるキノコ。 採取 -
Purple Mushroom.png
むらさきキノコ めずらしいキノコ。洞窟の深いところに生える。 採取 - 鉱山
水晶 洞窟や鉱山でよく見つかるすきとおった結晶。 採取 - 鉱山
サーモンベリー 森の香りがする春のベリー。 採取 -
海草 食材として利用できる。 釣り
Snow Yam.png
スノーヤム 雪の下にかくれている小さなイモ。 採取 -
Wild Horseradish.png
ノワサビ ピリッと辛い根っこ。春の野で採れる。 採取 -
Winter Root.png
クワイ でんぷん質の根っこ。 採取 -


「You really don't get it, huh?」
画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
Sam Annoyed.png
石炭 クラフトや精錬でよくつかう、燃やせる炭のかたまり。 採鉱
Copper Bar.png
銅ののべ棒 銅でできたのべ棒。 溶鉱炉 Copper Ore.png 銅鉱石(5)Coal.png 石炭(1)
Duck Mayonnaise.png
ダックマヨネーズ 濃厚な黄色のマヨネーズ。 マヨネーズマシン Duck Egg.png アヒルのタマゴ(1)
Gold Bar.png
金ののべ棒 金でできたのべ棒。 溶鉱炉 Gold Ore.png 金鉱石(5)Coal.png 石炭(1)
Gold Ore.png
金鉱石 貴重な鉱石。精錬してのべ棒にできる。 採鉱
Iridium Bar.png
イリジウムののべ棒 イリジウムでできたのべ棒。 溶鉱炉 Iridium Ore.png イリジウム鉱石(5)Coal.png 石炭(1)
Iridium Ore.png
イリジウム鉱石 エキゾチックな鉱石。さまざまな興味ぶかい特性をもつほか、精錬してのべ棒にできる。 採鉱
Iron Bar.png
鉄ののべ棒 鉄でできたのべ棒。 溶鉱炉 Iron Ore.png 鉄鉱石(5)Coal.png 石炭(1)
マヨネーズ パンにぬって食べるのがおすすめ。 マヨネーズマシン Egg.png タマゴ(1)
ピクルス 自家製ピクルスのビンづめ。 保存ジャー すべての野菜
Refined Quartz.png
精錬クリスタル 精錬された水晶。 溶鉱炉 Quartz.png 水晶(1)Coal.png 石炭(1)



Two Hearts.png


  • "Cheerful pop music." (友好度は変わりません)
  • "Experimental noise rock." (友好度は変わりません)
  • "Hi-energy dance music." (友好度は変わりません)
  • "Honky-tonk country music." (友好度は変わりません)



Three Hearts.png


サムは砂遊びする彼の弟ヴィンセントを見守っています。彼の父親は晴れた日はビーチへ連れていってくれたものだと彼は言います。ヴィンセントは彼に父親は帰ってくるのか尋ねます。"Of course"。ヴィンセントは軍による犠牲があったことを聞いたと言います。彼はヴィンセントに他人の言うことは気にするなと伝え、ヴィンセントは遊びに戻ります。彼はヴィンセントが期待していることを気の毒に思い、あなたに意見を求めます。
  • "It's best to be honest with kids." (友好度は変わりません) サムはあなたの考えに疑問を投げかけますが、どのみち子どもたちは世界について学ばなければいけないことに同意します。
  • "You did the right thing. Kids should have hope." (友好度は変わりません) サムは同意し、子供は許される限り子供らしくあるべきだと言います。



Four Hearts.png


Sam is in the kitchen. He says hello. As he's getting you a snack, he drops an egg on the kitchen floor. His mom hears the commotion, walks into the kitchen, and becomes upset about the mess. Sam asks you to tell her what happened.
  • "Sam dropped the snack as he was handing it to me." (友好度-10)
  • "Sam handed me the snack and then I dropped it." (友好度+50) Sam agrees with you.
  • "Sam dropped it on purpose. He thought it would be funny." (友好度-50)

Jodi thanks you for being honest, and Sam insists he'll clean up the mess.


Six Hearts.png


Sam is skateboarding and grinding on Emily and Haley's flower box. Lewis catches him and scolds him for it. Sam asks for your opinion.
  • "You're right, sir. Sam should respect private property." (友好度は変わりません) Sam is unhappy, but obliges and says he'll just not skateboard ever again.
  • "Don't blame Sam. There's nowhere else to ride!" (友好度は変わりません) Sam seems happy and agrees. Mayor Lewis becomes frustrated and states that he thought you were more mature than that but afterwords apologizes to Sam and asks him to be more careful in the future.
  • "I'm staying out of this." (友好度は変わりません) Mayor Lewis says he doesn't want to see Sam doing it again, Sam agrees and the Mayor leaves. Then Sam turns to you and, with a smile, asks if you saw his rad trick.


Eight Hearts.png


Sam's gig.gif


Ten Hearts.png


You meet Sam outside his house. He says it's cold outside and sneaks you into his room to talk privately. As he admits he's falling for you, his mom knocks on the door. He has you hide in the bed. His mom comes in and asks why he's sweating and red in the face, and Sam says he's just been doing push ups. She wishes him good night and leaves.

You are presented with the option to:

  • Get out of the bed. (友好度は変わりません) (If you take this option, the game presents the following 2 more choices)
    • Move Closer. (友好度は変わりません)
    • Head for the window. (友好度は変わりません) You reject Sam's advances.
  • Stay put. (友好度は変わりません) Sam crawls into bed with you, kisses you, and says "I knew there was something special between us."


First Meeting 


"The clouds look great this time of year, don't they?" ... "Like scoops of vanilla ice cream floating on blue raspberry sauce... Or maybe I'm just hungry." [Spring]

"Ugh, I stepped in something gross earlier.. and I just bought these shoes."

"Hey, farmer."

"My Dad is a soldier, fighting against the Gotoro Empire. That's why he's not here..." ... "He'll come back someday." ... "...I've heard some terrible things about the Gotoro Empire..."

"Hmm. I just remembered that I was supposed to do something... But I forgot." ... "This happens to me all the time."

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "Last night I practiced guitar for 4 hours straight. My fingers hurt like crazy." ... "Bye, I've got something to do..."

"Oh, it's a nice day, isn't it?"

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "I'm hungry." ... "See you later."

"Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget." ... "I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things."

"Hey... something smells good, like pizza."

In His Room

(Upon looking in the trash bin) "Hey, don't look in there!"

At the Saloon

"Hmm.. if I give the cue ball a bit of a top spin, maybe I could..." ... "*Sigh*... I'm not very good."

Flower Dance

(Spring 28, Day Before) "Why couldn't the flower dance be today so I could get work off?"

(If accepted) "You want to be my partner for the flower dance?" ... "Okay. I look forward to it."

(If refused) "Hmm... I dunno. Maybe next year."


"[Player]. Um... I just wanted to say... You look nice today."


"I’m going to be really happy as your husband, [player name]. I’m excited."

"I never dreamed this would happen. I’m so lucky. I can’t wait till the wedding."


"I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking..." ... "Hey... What do you think my new song should be about?"

Farming, mining and chopping wood.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
A city in the sea.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Choose anything, it'll be terrible anyway.
"Hey man... what the heck is your problem? Sorry I asked."
After Marriage 

Indoor Days

"Phew… I’ll tell you one thing I don’t miss about my old life… working at JojaMart."

"Hey, I made you some instant pancakes. Enjoy." ... "What? I never learned to cook… mom always did that."

"Hey. I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you…"

"Do you have big plans for the day?" ... "Oh, not me… I usually decide what to do a few moments beforehand…"

"Um… Maybe I’ll help out on the farm some other day. I feel lazy today." ... "You’re not mad?"

"It's hard to believe we're finally married..."

Outdoor Days

"Maybe I should get some off-road wheels for my skateboard. Mayor Lewis can’t touch me out here."

"I always keep an eye on the wide blue sky… you never know when a UFO might go by."

"Hi, [Player]! If I knew more about farm work I’d help you out more. Sorry!" ... "I’ll try and help you with encouraging thoughts."

"Something in the air makes me feel positive… maybe it’s the faint whiff of pizza from Gus’ ovens."

"Wow… you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm."


"Hey, you look tired. Let me help you relax tonight, okay? Maybe I’ll give you a massage later."

"My day? Oh… I can hardly remember. I didn’t really do anything of note. Just relaxed and had a good time."

"Hey, sorry I didn’t make the bed. You know I’m sloppy… that’s why you like me, right?"

"The only thing I miss about living at home is Mom’s fish casserole."

"Ready to hit the hay? I actually made the bed for once…"

Rainy Days

"Might be a good day to sit back and jam on the guitar…" ... "Hey, you can relax too if you want."

"Do you think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up?" ... "Heh… now that I’m married I’m trying to get everyone else married too."

"Hey, I found one of these rolling around in the back of a drawer." ... "I thought you might be able to use it."

"Aw, man. These cloudy days are kind of a drag…"

"How’d you sleep? The sound of rain really makes me zonk."

Rainy Nights

"Hey, how was your day? I just layed around and read comics most of the day… it was great."

"It was a pretty low-key day for me… colas, frozen pizza, a few hours noodling around on the guitar. I feel relaxed."

"Earlier, I listened to our live recording from that show we played. Remember that? Man, was that sloppy." ... "It made me a little nervous that you were there, I didn’t want to mess up and have you think I was a loser!"

"I hope Vincent’s not too lonely now that I’m gone… I kinda felt responsible for the little guy." ... "But, life’s all about change… right? Kids need to learn that, eventually… Or else adulthood will destroy them."

"Hey, I tossed a couple frozen pizzas into the oven. Here’s yours."

In Bed

"Nnnghh... what is it? Make your own breakfast."

"Nghh... what is it? I'm trying to sleep."

On Halfpipe

"*Sigh*… I’m never gonna land this trick…"

Visiting Family

(Leaving) "I’m gonna visit the family today, okay? I’ll be home in the evening."

(At parent's house) "Don't tell my mom... but I really just came over for a free lunch."

(Returning) "Seeing family is nice, but it’s also kind of depressing in a weird way. Like… our lives are totally separate now, and everything feels more formal than it used to."

First Child

"I’ll change [First Child]’s diaper… don’t worry about it. You’ve got enough on your plate."

"It’s weird, but I really like being a father!"

"I think we should have another kid. Why stop now?"

Second Child

"I woke up early, fed the kids and changed their diapers! We’re all set. You can just focus on raking in that sweet money." ... "I’m just kidding… I didn’t marry you for the money."

"We have to make sure and give [First Child] a lot of attention now that we have [Second Child]. We don’t want any jealousy between them."

"It’s fun to see the babies playing with each other. I think they’re going to be very close."

"I never thought I’d become such a family man, but I’m really satisfied with what we’ve built here. Life is going great."

Good Mood/High Hearts

"Do you ever think of that night we snuck into my room? I do, often…"

"You know, I think I had a feeling we’d be together from the very beginning. There’s just something special between us."

"[Male Player] Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you do something with your hair? / [Female Player] Wow, you look stunning today. Did you do something new with your hair?"

"Be careful out there! I know you go into the caves sometimes… you could be eaten alive in there!"

"Baby, I was just gonna write you a song on the guitar. But now you’re here and I feel relaxed." ... "I mainly feel like playing guitar when I’m lonely."

"Baby, talk to me! I’m always interested to hear about your day."


(1st of Spring)

"Ub… spring… my doze… allergies."


"The pollen count is a little lower in summer, so my nose is really happy."

"Summer's great, but I'm ready for fall now."

(1st of Fall)

"It seems like the whole valley's changed overnight... I guess fall's finally here."

(28th of Winter) "We had a great year, [Player]… it’s kind of sad that it’s over. We’ll just have to make next year even better!"


Egg Hunt

(Day Before) "Are you excited for tomorrow’s festival? It’ll be cool to see Sebastian again."

(During) "The gang's just the same as always. Are you having a good time?"

Flower Dance

(Day Before) "Oh... tomorrow's the flower dance, isn't it? I thought I could get out of that now that we're married." ... "Whatever. I guess it’s funny in a weird way."

(During) "Aw, I gotta put on that dorky suit again? I thought now that we're married... Well, alright."


(Day Before) "Have you thought about what you're going to put in the soup?" (WIP) ... "It might be funny to put something nasty. You know, play a prank on the governor!" ... "Sorry..."

(During) "I guess it wouldn't be very nice to put something nasty in the soup..."

Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies

"Should we watch the jellies tomorrow night? It's always kind of fun."

Stardew Valley Fair

(Day Before) "Hey, tomorrow's the fair. I need to get my old slingshot wrist back in shape..."

(During) "Sebastian's the same as always. Are you having fun at the festival?"

Festival of Ice

(Day Before) "Are we going to stop by the ice festival tomorrow? It might be fun to see everyone again…"

(During) "Aren't you cold? Are you sure don't you want my jacket?"

Feast of the Winterstar

(During) "*yawn*... I'm just here for the gifts and the cookies."


Sam's addition to the room.

Once married, Sam will move into the farmhouse with you. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room off to the side of the bedroom, which resembles his old room. It has his keyboard and guitar, along with a computer and bookshelf. He also builds a half pipe in the backyard to continue practicing skateboarding tricks.

1: At 12 hearts he will sometimes wake up early to help on the farm by:
Water crops
Fill pet bowl
Feed animals
Repair fences
2: He will occasionally cook (breakfast/dinner) for you, adding one random food item to your inventory. Both are frozen/instant foods, which he explains is because he never learned to cook. If your inventory is full, you will not receive the item. Some of the possible items are:
Pancakes (90 Energy, 36 Health, +2 Foraging)
Pizza (150 Energy, 60 Health)

Married Life

Sam spends a lot of time chilling inside of the house, most often in the kitchen. While he will help around the farm sometimes, he can also make the excuse of feeling "lazy today", and says he'll help out another day. He also quits his job at Joja Mart, which he's happy about.

Sam is very affectionate, excitedly asking you about your day, or offering to give you a massage after a day of hard work. He likes to refer to you as "baby" or "honey". While he still makes mention of playing his guitar, he tells you at some point that he has no interest in being a musician anymore, and is a "family man" now.

Near the start of Winter, he says:

「"Winter's just around the corner. We need to double check the heating system, turn off the valves, and check all the insulation in the house."」

...then tells you not to worry, because he'll take care of it. This is unlike his usually carefree and lazy attitude, and shows an oddly helpful handyman side of his character.

On 月曜日s and 金曜日s, he will go into town to visit his family for the day, then spend some time with Sebastian and Abigail at the bar like he would prior to marriage. He expresses a lot of worry for his younger brother Vincent after moving out, and while also mention that Vincent calls every so often. Even so, he says the only thing he really misses about living at his parent's house was his moms fish casserole

Sometimes after visiting his family or the saloon, he will come home in a bad mood, and complain that the house is dirty.



Sam's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Sam's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Sam timeline.png


  • Sam is allergic to pollen, which he mentions during the Egg festival. He also mentions that his "nose is really happy" during summer due to the typically lower pollen count.
  • "Sam" is short for "Samson", which he reveals to the player once they have a good relationship with him. He also states that he doesn't want the player to tell anyone.
  • "Sam" is a unisex given name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God has heard". Other meanings are "Sun child" or "bright sun".
  • Sam behaves differently than other NPCs when the player rummages through garbage cans. Instead of being disgusted, he just asks the player why they're searching through the trash.
  • On Sam's portraits, his undershirt is yellow, however in his sprite, it is red.
  • Sam's Old Guitar is a weapon in the game, but is currently unobtainable.
  • Sam used to live in Zuzu City. He recalls how bright and loud it is day and night, and how hot it is during summer.



  • 1.0: 初登場。
  • 1.1: Added skateboarding area behind farmhouse if married.