
2018年8月21日 (火) 09:29時点におけるきくちよ (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎セリフ集)

誕生日 Fall.png 21
住所 大工作業場

Demetrius Icon.png ディメトリウス(夫)

Maru Icon.png マル(娘)

Sebastian Icon.png セバスチャン(息子)

結婚 いいえ
ベストプレゼント Goat Cheese.png ヤギのチーズPeach.png モモSpaghetti.png スパゲッティ
Robin building.png
- ロビン


きくちよによって最後に編集されました 2018-08-21 09:29:25.

「My parents were bewildered when I told them I wanted to be a carpenter. They were pretty old-fashioned.」
- ロビン

Robin is a villager who resides at 24 Mountain Road, on , with her husband ディメトリウス, daughter マル, and son セバスチャン.

Robin is the town carpenter and runs her own 大工作業場, at her home, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM every day except Tuesday and part of Friday (closes early).





Most days Robin wakes up at 8:00 AM and walks to her Carpenter's shop counter for a 9:00 AM opening. She often takes walks in the mountain area around her home after work at 5:00 PM, and leaves whatever she's doing to go bed at 9:00 PM. Her shop is closed on Tuesday while she has a weekly exercise class at キャロライン's home. However, if you stand in her path on her way out (near the cash register at 9:40 AM), you can use her shop momentarily. On Friday evenings she closes early at 4:00 PM to visit the saloon where she and her husband ディメトリウス socialize and dance.

Robin won't leave her home on days when it's raining unless she has been hired to construct a farm building. Hiring Robin to make or upgrade a building means her shop will be closed for those days that she is on your farm completing the construction.

Her schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather or certain days of the week. Below are her schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)

8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
12:00 PM * *If the Community Center has been restored: Leaves her shop and walks to the Community Center.
4:00 PM * *'If the Community Center has been restored: Leaves the Community Center and walks back home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and heads outside to the Mountain area.
7:30 PM Leaves the Mountain and walks home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:30 AM Walks to Pierre's General Store to exercise with Jodi, Caroline, Emily, and Marnie.
1:00 PM At Pierre's General Store.
6:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and walks back home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and heads outside to the Mountain area.
7:30 PM Leaves the Mountain and walks home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and heads outside to the Mountain area.
7:30 PM Leaves the Mountain and walks home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
4:00 PM Leaves her shop and walks to the Stardrop Saloon.
7:30 PM At the Stardrop Saloon.
9:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and walks home to go to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and heads outside to the Mountain area.
7:30 PM Leaves the Mountain and walks home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and heads outside to the Mountain area.
7:30 PM Leaves the Mountain and walks home.
9:00 PM Returns home and goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM At home.
9:00 AM Stands behind the counter of her shop at home.
5:00 PM Leaves her shop and walks to the living room.
9:00 PM Goes to bed.

Summer 18

Time Location
7:00 AM At home.
8:00 AM Leaves home and walks to Harvey's Clinic.
4:00 PM Leaves Harvey's Clinic and walks home.
9:00 PM Goes to bed at home.



プレイヤーはロビンに週2回(誕生日に1回)プレゼントすることができ、それによって彼女との友好度が上がったり下がったりします。彼女の誕生日(  の21日)にプレゼントすると8倍の効果があり、特殊な会話が見られます。


「誕生日プレゼント? 親切にどうも、 ありがとう!」

「誕生日を覚えていたのね! ありがとう。これは いいものね。」


「誕生日プレゼント? ありがとう。」


「あら… 誕生日プレゼントに? ありがとう…」


画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
ヤギのチーズ ヤギのミルクでつくられたやわらかいチーズ。 チーズプレス   ヤギのミルク(1)
モモ うぶげに表面がおおわれたくだもの。 果樹
スパゲッティ 変わらない定番メニュー。 料理, スタードロップサルーン   コムギ粉(1)  トマト(1)


「Thanks! This is really nice!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
堅い木 優れた強じんさとうつくしさをそなえたすばらしい木材。 採取
水晶 洞窟や鉱山でよく見つかるすきとおった結晶。 鉱物 - 鉱山


「Thank you. This might come in handy.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
アンズタケ おいしいキノコ。フルーティーな香りのなかに、ちょっぴりコショウの香りが混じる。 採取 -
マッシュルーム 食感がよくておいしいキノコ。ほのかにナッツの香りがする。 採取 -
ラッパスイセン 古くから親しまれている春の花。贈りものによろこばれる。 採取 -
タンポポ 花はパッとしないが、葉っぱがおいしいサラダになる。 採取 -
ヘーゼルナッツ とびきり大きいヘーゼルナッツ。 採取 -
ポロネギ ネギの仲間。あまみがあっておいしい。 採取 -
アミガサタケ 独特のかぐわしい香りゆえに珍重されるキノコ。 採取 -
むらさきキノコ めずらしいキノコ。洞窟の深いところに生える。 採取 - 鉱山
スノーヤム 雪の下にかくれている小さなイモ。 採取 -
クワイ でんぷん質の根っこ。 採取 -


「Um... why?」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
ノワサビ ピリッと辛い根っこ。春の野で採れる。 採取 -


「What the...? This is terrible!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
ひいらぎ 赤い実をつける植物。葉にトゲがある。冬の飾りつけによくつかわれる。 採取 -




Enter Robin's house while she is home.

You find Robin cleaning the dust off her saw. She asks if you've ever made anything out of wood, to which you can reply "Yes" or "No." She then says "I think we've become good enough friends that I can trust you with my carpentry secrets!" and gives you two blueprints -- the Drum Block and the Flute Block. She says it feels good to decorate your house with things you've made yourself.



ロビン の友好度がハート7になると、レシピが同封された手紙が届きます。またプレゼント付の手紙も送られるようになります。

画像 アイテム / レシピ 説明
カボチャのスープ おばあちゃんから教わった、昔ながらのレシピを教えてあげるね。食べてみて!


木材 (50) 調子はどう?




「What's a healthy young person like you doing here?」




  • "Robin's Lost Axe": On the 11th of Spring, Robin will send a letter explaining that she lost her favorite axe, and offers a reward of data-sort-value="250"> 250g to anyone who finds and returns it to her. You also gain 1 Friendship heart as a reward.
Watch Robin's Lost Axe video
