
提供: Stardew Valley Wiki
2019年9月5日 (木) 11:10時点におけるRyuka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (Items Obtainedと参照の項目を追加、他言語版へのリンクを追加)
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Copper Pan.png
費用: 購入不可




Shimmering Lights



Items Obtained

You always receive a random number of one type of metal ore from panning. You may also receive a random amount of coal, one gem/mineral, or a random amount of Omni Geodes. Shown below is a complete list of items that may be obtained by panning, as well as how the percent chance of obtaining them is adjusted for various luck levels.[1]

As shown, better luck increases the chance of finding Iridium Ore rather than Copper Ore, and the chance of finding a Diamond rather than Coal. Luck from food buffs also increases the chance of finding a Diamond rather than an Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby, or Topaz. Luck from food buffs affects the percent chance of finding ore by 0.4% for each integer difference in luck, and by 4% for each integer difference in luck for all other items.

Ore Copper Ore.png 銅鉱石(40% ∓ daily luck, −food buff) Iron Ore.png 鉄鉱石(35.9%) Gold Ore.png 金鉱石(23.1%) Iridium Ore.png イリジウム鉱石(1% ± daily luck, +food buff)

Gems Amethyst.png アメシスト(1.6%, −food buff) Aquamarine.png アクアマリン(1.6%, −food buff) Diamond.png ダイヤモンド(2% ± daily luck, +food buff) Emerald.png エメラルド(1.6%, −food buff) Ruby.png ルビー(1.6%, −food buff) Topaz.png トパーズ(1.6%, −food buff)

Other Coal.png 石炭(50% ∓ daily luck,) Earth Crystal.png アースクリスタル(4.9%) Fire Quartz.png ファイアクオーツ(4.2%) Frozen Tear.png イエティのなみだ(4.9%) Omni Geode.png オムニジオード(26%)


  1. See Pan::getPanItems in the game code.