
2018年10月5日 (金) 18:32時点におけるMargotbean (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎Experience Points: correct flueberry XP)
Robin building.png
- ロビン


Margotbeanによって最後に編集されました 2018-10-05 18:32:44.

Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on your farm. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides ingredients for cooking.

When harvesting, you can stand in the center of a 3x3 square of harvestable crops and hold the right mouse button, then move the mouse over the crops to harvest more quickly.

To plant crops players must first till a patch of soil using a hoe. If they intend to use Basic Fertilizer or Quality Fertilizer that should be applied before planting the seed. The crop must be watered each day to grow, unless it is raining (when they'll require no watering).

If the player fails to water crops for a day, the crop will not die, but will not grow that day (effectively being delayed a day).

Farming Skill Icon.png 農業スキル

The farming skill level can be viewed in the skill tab of the pause menu. Each level grants +1 proficiency to the Hoe and Watering Can, which reduces the energy cost of using the tools. Higher farming skill also increases the chance to obtain quality crops.

Levels are gained by harvesting Crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, and picking up animal products inside a coop or barn (eggs, duck feathers, wool, rabbit's feet).

レベル 1 レベル 2 レベル 3 レベル 4 レベル 5
クラフトできるレシピ: クラフトできるレシピ: クラフト / 料理レシピ: クラフトできるレシピ: 特化職を選択:











レベル 6 レベル 7 レベル 8 レベル 9 レベル 10
クラフトできるレシピ: クラフトできるレシピ: クラフトできるレシピ: クラフトできるレシピ: 動物飼育者: 耕作者:













Quality Crop Frequency

First the game tests if the crop gets gold quality, if it doesn't it tries again with silver quality. If both fail the crop is normal quality. Quality is also dependent on the usage of Fertilizer.

The basic formula for finding a gold quality crop (not including fertilizer) is 1% + 2% per farming level, up to a maximum of 21% at level 10. The basic formula for finding a silver quality crop is 2% + 4% per level, up to a maximum of 42% at level 10, though the game must first fail to award a gold quality crop before it will check to award a silver quality crop, so the chances for a silver quality are slightly reduced. The tables below show the probabilities of harvesting each quality of crop.


農業レベル 普通品質 シルバー品質 ゴールド品質 平均価格
0 97% 2% 1% 1.01
1 91% 6% 3% 1.03
2 85% 10% 5% 1.05
3 80% 13% 7% 1.07
4 75% 16% 9% 1.09
5 69% 20% 11% 1.10
6 64% 23% 13% 1.12
7 60% 25% 15% 1.14
8 55% 28% 17% 1.16
9 50% 31% 19% 1.17
10 46% 33% 21% 1.19
11 42% 35% 23% 1.20
12 38% 37% 25% 1.22
13 34% 39% 27% 1.23
14 30% 41% 29% 1.25


農業レベル 普通品質 シルバー品質 ゴールド品質 平均価格
0 88% 8% 4% 1.04
1 77% 15% 8% 1.08
2 68% 20% 12% 1.11
3 59% 26% 15% 1.14
4 50% 31% 19% 1.17
5 42% 35% 23% 1.20
6 35% 39% 26% 1.23
7 28% 42% 30% 1.25
8 22% 44% 34% 1.28
9 16% 47% 37% 1.30
10 15% 44% 41% 1.32
11 14% 41% 45% 1.33
12 13% 39% 48% 1.34
13 12% 36% 52% 1.35
14 11% 33% 56% 1.36


農業レベル 普通品質 シルバー品質 ゴールド品質 平均価格
0 78% 14% 8% 1.07
1 64% 23% 13% 1.12
2 52% 30% 18% 1.17
3 40% 36% 24% 1.21
4 30% 41% 29% 1.25
5 21% 45% 34% 1.28
6 15% 45% 40% 1.31
7 14% 41% 45% 1.33
8 13% 37% 50% 1.34
9 11% 33% 56% 1.36
10 10% 29% 61% 1.38
11 9% 25% 66% 1.39
12 7% 21% 72% 1.41
13 6% 17% 77% 1.43
14 4% 13% 82% 1.44

Experience Points

The amount of experience gained from harvesting crops varies from crop to crop, with slower growing and more expensive crops giving more experience upon harvest. Crops that yield multiple produce per harvest, such as blueberry, cranberry, or potato, only reward experience for the first product and do not offer any extra experience for the multiples.

Petting a farm animal, milking a cow or goat, shearing a sheep, or picking up an animal product inside a coop or barn gives 5 experience points each. (Picking up Truffles gives Foraging experience rather than Farming experience.)

To level up farming from level 0 to 1, it takes 12 parsnips, or 8 potatoes, or 5 cauliflowers. From level 0 to 2, it takes about 48 parsnips, or 28 potatoes, or 17 cauliflower plants.

作物 XP
  コーヒー豆 4
  チューリップ 7
  パースニップ 8
  サヤエンドウ 9
  ブルージャズ 10
  ニンニク 12
  ジャガイモ 14
  ケール 17
  イチゴ 18
  カリフラワー 23
  ルバーブ 26
  古代のフルーツ 43
  サボテンフルーツ 14
作物 XP
  コーヒー豆 4
  ホップ 6
  コムギ 6
  トウガラシ 9
  トウモロコシ 10
  トマト 12
  ブルーベリー 10
  ヒマワリ 14
  ラディッシュ 15
  サマースパングル 15
  ポピー 20
  メロン 27
  赤キャベツ 28
  スターフルーツ 44
  古代のフルーツ 43
  サボテンフルーツ 14
作物 XP
  コムギ 6
  トウモロコシ 10
  ナス 12
  チンゲンサイ 14
  ブドウ 14
  ヒマワリ 14
  ビーツ 16
  クランベリー 14
  アマランサス 21
  アーティチョーク 22
  サツマイモ 22
  フェアリーローズ 29
  カボチャ 31
  古代のフルーツ 43
  スイートジェムベリー 64
  サボテンフルーツ 14

The experience points awarded are calculated using the formula XP=||16 × ln(0.018 × PRICE + 1)|| with PRICE being the selling price of the crop's item. Experience is based on selling value, but gold and silver stars do not increase the experience value of harvested crops.

Harvesting forageable plants grown on the farm counts as 3 foraging experience points per plant rather than farming experience points.

Experience level is increased after sleeping.

Lvl Total Lifetime Parsnips Harvested Experience
1 13 100
2 48 380
3 97 770
4 163 1300
5 269 2150
6 413 3300
7 600 4800
8 863 6900
9 1250 10000
10 1875 15000



  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Adjusted Rancher bonus to 20%, up from 10%, Artisan now increases the value of Artisan Goods by 40%, down from 50%
  • 1.2: Farming level now affects crop yield prior to level 10.