
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
  • [[en:Cabin/Cabin Locations]]
    2キロバイト (133 語) - 2023年4月16日 (日) 17:18
  • [[File:RailroadForageLocations.png|thumb|right|300px|Locations at the Railroad where forageable items can spawn.]] …ied item for that season. The input data is <samp>[[Modding:Location_data|Locations.xnb]]</samp> which is processed by code in <samp>GameLocation::spawnObjects
    9キロバイト (392 語) - 2023年7月19日 (水) 13:36
  • …fied item for that season. The input data is <samp>[[Modding:Location_data|Locations.xnb]]</samp>, which is processed by code in <samp>GameLocation::spawnObject …_spawn">Of the 13200 total tiles in Pelican Town, 870 (7%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items. For more information on forage item spawning, se
    9キロバイト (569 語) - 2024年3月31日 (日) 07:05
  • |Flower and tool designs as well as new game locations.
    18キロバイト (1,942 語) - 2021年5月22日 (土) 23:32
  • :* In <samp>Data/Locations</samp>, added fields to set effect of fish-specific bait and whether fish… :* De-hardcoded forest waterfall fish into <samp>Data/Locations</samp>.
    337キロバイト (6,848 語) - 2024年4月22日 (月) 20:12