
954 バイト追加 、 2021年11月16日 (火) 09:50
932行目: 932行目:     
このイベントは、以前はエミリーのフォーハートイベントでしたが、バージョン1.1で変更されました。 そのアップデートで新しいユニークな歌と対話、そしてアニメーションと視覚的な改良を加えられました。
このイベントは、以前はエミリーのフォーハートイベントでしたが、バージョン1.1で変更されました。 そのアップデートで新しいユニークな歌と対話、そしてアニメーションと視覚的な改良を加えられました。
1,031行目: 1,031行目:     
{{quote|わたし、ヒミツの趣味があるの。どんな趣味かはないしょ。 仲良くなったら教えてあげるかもね。}}
{{quote|わたし、ヒミツの趣味があるの。どんな趣味かはないしょ。 仲良くなったら教えてあげるかもね。}}
{{quote|This world is full of spirits and magic... Some don't believe me, but I know it's true. I can see it in your eyes... you believe in the other world, like me.}}
{{quote|This world is full of spirits and magic... Some don't believe me, but I know it's true. I can see it in your eyes... you believe in the other world, like me.}}
1,040行目: 1,040行目:  
{{quote|You catch fish? I just hope you treat the poor things humanely. Every critter deserves our respect, even the slimy ones.}}
{{quote|You catch fish? I just hope you treat the poor things humanely. Every critter deserves our respect, even the slimy ones.}}
{{quote|あまり無茶な農業をしていないわよね? この谷の生態系は微細だから。 なんでわかるかって? 持ち前のカンの鋭さかしらね!}}
{{quote|あまり無茶な農業をしていないわよね? この谷の生態系は微細だから。 なんでわかるかって? 持ち前のカンの鋭さかしらね!}}
{{quote|ときどき、花が私に話しかけてくれるの... ひとりひとり、みんな違う話を聞かせてくれるんだl!}}
{{quote|ときどき、花が私に話しかけてくれるの… ひとりひとり、みんな違うお話を聞かせてくれるんだ!}}
{{quote|ああ、 春はパステルカラーの季節ね。 色合いはパステルより宝石の方が好きだけど。 あら、ごめん!またファッションのことで独り言言ってた?}}
{{quote|ああ、 春はパステルカラーの季節ね。 色合いはパステルより宝石の方が好きだけど。 あら、ごめん!またファッションのことで独り言言ってた?}}
{{quote|自分の服を作るのは好きだけど、生地を手に入れるのが難しいのよね。 町まで遠出しないといけないし。}}
{{quote|自分の服を作るのは好きだけど、生地を手に入れるのが難しいのよね。 町まで遠出しないといけないし。}}
{{quote|こんにちは [Player]! きみは羊を育ててるかしら? 羊毛があれば美しい生地にすることができるわよ!ただし、機織り機が必要だけどね。作り方さえ知っていれば、それも作ることができるはずよ。}}
{{quote|こんにちは [プレイヤー名]! きみは羊を育ててるかしら? 羊毛があれば美しい生地にすることができるわよ!ただし、機織り機が必要だけどね。作り方さえ知っていれば、それも作ることができるはずよ。}}
{{Quote|この家はね、両親が残してくれたものなの。 両親は2年前から世界中を旅してるの。 いつ戻ってくるかはわからないの。景観も住み心地もいいからここでの生活は楽しいけどね。}}
{{Quote|この家はね、両親が残してくれたものなの。 両親は2年前から世界中を旅してるの。 いつ戻ってくるかはわからないの。景観も住み心地もいいからここでの生活は楽しいけどね。}}
{{quote|カリコ砂漠では雨は降らないの…友達のサンディはそこに住んでるの。 今日は彼女に会いにいけたらなぁ。}}
{{quote|Oh, hi... It's nice of you to visit me like this.}}
{{quote|Oh, hi... It's nice of you to visit me like this.}}
{{quote|Have faith... every day you're taking one more step on the path of your destiny.}}
{{quote|Have faith... every day you're taking one more step on the path of your destiny.}}
{{quote|Do you ever think about the texture of fabric, [Player]? Each texture has a distinct personality... feel my dress... see?}}
<small>''If Player married to [[Haley]]''</small>
{{quote|I have to say, now that Haley's gone I've had a much easier time keeping things in order.}}
{{quote|There's good people in this town who just can't seem to find happiness. It makes me sad. Working in the saloon, I hear first-hand about everyone's problems.}}
{{quote|There's good people in this town who just can't seem to find happiness. It makes me sad. Working in the saloon, I hear first-hand about everyone's problems.}}
{{quote|You know, [Player]... I think the future looks bright for both of us.}}
{{quote|You know, [プレイヤー名]... I think the future looks bright for both of us.}}
{{quote|あっ、 [プレイヤー名]。 I always knew we'd become close like this...}}
{{quote|あっ、 [プレイヤー名]。 I always knew we'd become close like this...}}
{{quote|Haley is a picky eater. It's so hard to cook for her.}}
{{quote|Hello there, [Player]. I feel lazy today.}}
{{quote|Hello there, [プレイヤー名]. I feel lazy today.}}
{{quote|ライナスを見てると気の毒になるの。みんな悪く言うけど、あの人はただ、私たちと違うやり方で暮らしてるだけ。 みんながみんな、自分と違う人でも認められるといいんだけどね。}}
{{quote|ライナスを見てると気の毒になるの。みんな悪く言うけど、あの人はただ、私たちと違うやり方で暮らしてるだけ。 みんながみんな、自分と違う人でも認められるといいんだけどね。}}
{{quote|夏はあまり雨が降らないのよね。 あなたにとっては水やりの頻度が増えるのかな? それとも夏の気候は好きだったりする?}}
{{quote|夏はあんまり雨が降らないのよね。 あなたにとっては水やりの頻度が増えるのかな? それとも夏の気候は好きだったりする?}}
{{quote|If I wasn't so busy I'd come help you on the farm! But Gus would be upset if I had another job...}}
{{quote|If I wasn't so busy I'd come help you on the farm! But Gus would be upset if I had another job...}}
1,070行目: 1,073行目:     
{{quote|Hi, [Player]! We've become decent friends, haven't we? That's fine with me. [You're a cool guy. / I'm glad.]}}
{{quote|Hi, [プレイヤー名]! We've become decent friends, haven't we? That's fine with me. [You're a cool guy. / I'm glad.]}}
<small>''If Player married to [[Haley]]''</small>
<small>''If Player married to [[Haley]]''</small>
1,082行目: 1,085行目:  
{{quote|It's good weather for a picnic, isn't it?}}
{{quote|It's good weather for a picnic, isn't it?}}
{{quote|Hello. Did you have a good summer?}}
{{quote|Hello. Did you have a good summer?}}
{{quote|あら [Player]! 今年の夏は牧場で大きな成果をあげられたかしら? だって君は農作業のプロだからね。}}
{{quote|あら [プレイヤー名]! 今年の夏は牧場で大きな成果を上げられたかしら? だって、きみは農作業のプロだからね。}}
{{quote|私の友達が砂漠で店を開いてるの。 行くことになったらよろしく言っといてね。 そこでは珍品が並んでるかもしれないわ。}}
{{quote|私の友達が砂漠で店を開いてるの。 行くことになったらよろしく言っといてね。 そこでは珍品が並んでるかもしれないわ。}}
{{quote|Are you friends with Clint? He's a nice guy, if you get to know him. He gets lonely working in his shop all day. But he's so shy he has trouble making new friends.}}
{{quote|Another beautiful fall day. It's a pity it'll soon be over.}}
{{quote|Another beautiful fall day. It's a pity it'll soon be over.}}
{{quote|Keep your mind open and some interesting things might take root. Anyway, how is your day going?}}
{{quote|Keep your mind open and some interesting things might take root. Anyway, how is your day going?}}
1,090行目: 1,093行目:     
{{quote|Smell that clean air? It's lovely, isn't it? I just fear that the Joja Co.'s of the world will take this away from us}}
{{quote|きょうも空気がきれい!こういうの、ほんとにステキだよね。 でもJoja社のせいで、このきれいな空気が汚れちゃったらって思うとこわいんだ。}}
{{quote|I don't have any huge plans for life. I prefer not to stress about the future.}}
{{quote|I don't have any huge plans for life. I prefer not to stress about the future.}}
{{quote|There's so many invisible barriers holding us back. Why can't people learn to let go and celebrate freedom? Me? Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'}}
{{quote|There's so many invisible barriers holding us back. Why can't people learn to let go and celebrate freedom? Me? Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'}}
1,100行目: 1,103行目:  
{{quote|Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head!}}
{{quote|Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head!}}
{{quote|Oh, hello [Player]! You must be getting very good at farming by now, huh?}}
{{quote|Oh, hello [プレイヤー名]! You must be getting very good at farming by now, huh?}}
{{quote|I bet you're an excellent farmer by now!}}
{{quote|I bet you're an excellent farmer by now!}}
{{quote|I think my hair is frozen solid...}}
{{quote|I think my hair is frozen solid...}}
{{quote|ヘイリーとわたしは 大きい家に住むのが苦手なのよ。掃除するのが大変だからね。でもまぁ、文句なんて言ってられないかな。 きみの家は居心地が良さそうね。}}
{{quote|ヘイリーとわたしは 大きい家に住むのが苦手なのよ。掃除するのが大変だからね。でもまぁ、文句なんて言ってられないかな。 きみの家は居心地が良さそうね。}}
{{quote|It must be so cold for the poor fish. I wonder if any fish hibernate? Maybe I should ask Demetrius.}}
{{quote|It must be so cold for the poor fish. I wonder if any fish hibernate? Maybe I should ask Demetrius.}}
{{quote|If I wasn't so busy I'd help you dig around in that cave by the lake. I bet there are some powerful crystals inside there.}}
{{quote| 「豆のホットポット」の作り方を 知ってる?
{{quote|「豆のホットポット」の作り方を知ってる? 私の好物なのよ。 でも冬だと新鮮な食材が手に入りにくいんだよね。}}
私の 好物なのよ。
でも冬だと 新鮮な食材が 手に入りにくいんだよね。}}
1,126行目: 1,127行目:  
{{quote|夜明けからずっとタマゴの色塗りをしてたわ... 私はこれがこの季節のお気に入りなのよ。}}
{{quote|夜明けからずっとタマゴの色塗りをしてたわ... 私はこれがこの季節のお気に入りなのよ。}}
{{quote|ふぅ...おなかいっぱい。 ねぇ、あの赤いゼリーはもう食べた?}}
1,147行目: 1,152行目:  
{{quote|Wow, this snowman needs a makeover. Who made this?}}
{{quote|Wow, this snowman needs a makeover. Who made this?}}
{{quote|[Player]! What are you hoping to find under the spirit tree?}}
{{quote|[プレイヤー名]! What are you hoping to find under the spirit tree?}}
:{{Choice|A new watering can.}}
:{{Choice|A new watering can.}}
::''"All work and no play? That's not very fun."''
::''"All work and no play? That's not very fun."''
1,165行目: 1,173行目:     
{{quote|You're such a nice person, [Player]! Thanks for being my friend.}}
{{quote|You're such a nice person, [プレイヤー名]! Thanks for being my friend.}}
{{quote|Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head! I wouldn't want you to get hurt!}}
{{quote|Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head! I wouldn't want you to get hurt!}}
   1,177行目: 1,185行目:  
{{quote|[Player]... I'm ready to give you a second chance. I still have faith that there's a good person inside of you.}}
{{quote|[プレイヤー名]... I'm ready to give you a second chance. I still have faith that there's a good person inside of you.}}
1,203行目: 1,211行目:  
{{quote|A little sunlight is good for you. Just don't get crispy, okay?}}
{{quote|A little sunlight is good for you. Just don't get crispy, okay?}}
{{quote|おはよう! 今日はお目覚めが遅かったんじゃない?いいんだよ [プレイヤー名]... 夜を楽しんでね。}}
{{quote|おはよう! 今日はお目覚めが遅かったんじゃない?いいんだよ [プレイヤー名]... 夜を楽しんでね。}}
{{quote|You're doing great work, [Player]. Keep it up.}}
{{quote|You're doing great work, [プレイヤー名]. Keep it up.}}
''When meditating in her crystal garden''
''When meditating in her crystal garden''
{{quote|This is my favorite spot for a morning meditation. I visualize the energy from this crystal garden flowing through my body.}}
{{quote|This is my favorite spot for a morning meditation. I visualize the energy from this crystal garden flowing through my body.}}
1,209行目: 1,217行目:  
{{quote|Is that a new hole I see in your shirt? I can sew that up for you, no problem.}}
{{quote|Is that a new hole I see in your shirt? I can sew that up for you, no problem.}}
{{quote|Welcome home, [Player]. I hope you had a wonderful day.}}
{{quote|Welcome home, [プレイヤー名]. I hope you had a wonderful day.}}
{{quote|Is it bed time already? My, the day just floated away from me again.}}
{{quote|Is it bed time already? My, the day just floated away from me again.}}
{{quote|Ah, that aroma! It can only be you. It's a good smell.}}
{{quote|Ah, that aroma! It can only be you. It's a good smell.}}
1,227行目: 1,235行目:  
{{quote|Every moment has a unique and precious beauty... do you notice? It can be easy to forget, sometimes.}}
{{quote|Every moment has a unique and precious beauty... do you notice? It can be easy to forget, sometimes.}}
{{quote|I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!}}
{{quote|I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!}}
{{quote|How was your day, [Player]? You look a little soggy.}}
{{quote|How was your day, [プレイヤー名]? You look a little soggy.}}
{{quote|My day was very peaceful. How was yours?}}
{{quote|My day was very peaceful. How was yours?}}
{{quote|Does the sound of rain ever put you in a trance?}}
{{quote|Does the sound of rain ever put you in a trance?}}
1,304行目: 1,312行目:  
{{quote|[Player], you broke my heart... I just can't talk to you anymore...
{{quote|[プレイヤー名], you broke my heart... I just can't talk to you anymore...
Please, let me try to heal...}}
Please, let me try to heal...}}
