
10,792 バイト追加 、 2019年10月18日 (金) 02:53
→‎セリフ集: テキストを追加、一部翻訳
881行目: 881行目:  
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | '''Regular''' 
! style="text-align: left;" | '''通常時''' 
* "It's a nice day to go swimming." <small>''(Note: Sunny weather only.)''</small>
'''After six hearts'''
* "I need a new hobby other than shopping. I've decided to expand my horizons."
'''Feast of the Winter Star'''
{{quote|Oh... you're that new farmer [boy/girl], aren't you? Huh? Oh... I'm Haley. Hmm... If it weren't for those horrendous clothes you might actually be [cute/pretty]. Actually, nevermind.}}
- If married:
* "Me?... Oh, I'm thankful for... how about I just show you when we get home tonight?"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|'''After Marriage&nbsp;'''  
{{quote|This town is so small. It sucks. I have to drive, like, twenty miles to buy any decent clothes. That's why I usually just order online. What?}}
{{quote|The only thing I like about this town is the beach.}}
{{quote|*sigh* I could really go for a cupcake right now. Do you need something?}}
'''Rainy Days'''
{{quote|I’ve decided I am going to organise my clothes today. I'll have to throw out all of last year's styles to make room for the new ones!}}
{{quote|Don't you get tired of running around on that farm all day, or whatever it is you do? I couldn't stand getting all dirty like that. You probably get a nice tan, though.}}
{{quote|I'm feeling an urge to go shopping. Ugh! I wish there was a mall here.}}
{{quote|My sister is so weird. Sometimes I wonder if we're actually related.}}
{{quote|Did you know that my sister hates [item]? She finds it absolutely revolting. I guess everyone has their hang-ups.}}
"I've changed a lot over the years, but I still prefer sunny weather."
{{quote|Nice makeup. Wait... Are you even wearing any? I'm bored.}}
"Sometimes I daydream about our retirement... relaxing on the sunny beaches of the Fern Islands!"..."Do you ever think about the future, [Player]?"
{{quote|Nice shoes. Are those made out of plastic? I'm bored.}}
"I can't go outside today... my hair will go limp. Forgive me, dear."..."I want to look my best for you."
{{quote|Emily tried to serve me [adjective] [item] for dinner last night... I threw it away when she wasn't looking. I don't like health food...}}
"Are you going out in this weather? Just make sure to wipe your boots on the way back in, honey."..."I'll just stay here and do some housework."
{{quote|I spent all morning doing my hair... now the rain could mess it up. *sigh* ... Life is hard sometimes.}}
"Oh no... If this weather keeps up I'll get so pale."
{{quote|I need a new hobby other than shopping. I've decided to expand my horizons. Maybe I should learn to play the mini-harp?}}
{{quote|I used to complain about this town being so small, but I've grown to like it. If it was much bigger it wouldn't feel like a community.}}
{{quote|I cooked dinner last night. It actually turned out okay! But I did make a huge mess in the kitchen...}}
{{quote|I'm thinking about donating a bunch of clothes... I must have a hundred pairs of shoes.}}
"Good morning! I got up early and baked something sweet for you!"..."I know you're strong, but you still need to eat well to stay at your best!"
{{quote|There are only two things I like about this town. One of them is the beach. The other one is a secret! *giggle*}}
{{quote|Yesterday I found a seagull with her wing caught in a net. I set her free, of course. She looked so helpless, the poor thing.}}
{{quote|You know, I should probably start exercising more... this youthful metabolism won't last forever.}}
'''Rainy Nights'''
{{quote|I wonder if any nice shells washed up on the beach this morning? This isn't the best time of year for shells, though.}}
{{quote|I'm glad that the flowers are starting to bloom. Those pink ones smell so good.}}
"Oh, I'm glad you're back. It's so cold in here by myself... Are you almost ready to shut off the lights?"
{{quote|I'm going to get such a nice tan this summer.}}
{{quote|Ew, you're all dirty.}}
{{quote|Um... Yes? I didn't hear you, I'm thinking about something else.}}
{{quote|If you stay in the sun a lot it'll make your hair lighter. It's a good thing to know!}}
{{quote|I wonder what Alex is doing today... Huh? I didn't notice you standing there.}}
{{quote|Emily usually cooks dinner... But she makes weird stuff like quinoa.}}
{{quote|Do you wear those clothes every day?}}
{{quote|There's not a cloud in the sky today.}}
{{quote|It's so hot today! I wish I had some ice cream.}}
{{quote|I spent 3 hours practicing my signature today. I guess that's pretty silly, huh?}}
"I hope it's nice and sunny tomorrow morning. Too much rain can make me moody."
{{quote|If you stay in the sun a lot it will make your hair lighter... But you don't want to get sunburnt, either. I just want a healthy amount of sunlight. Everything in moderation, right?}}
{{quote|I should start reading some books instead of magazines. It's good to learn things, isn't it? I only ever look at the pictures.}}
{{quote|I talked to my sister for a while last night. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. You know, Emily's not actually that weird. I guess we have more in common than I used to think. Don't tell her I said so.}}
{{quote|It's a nice day to go swimming.}}
"Rain is horrible for a photographer. The lighting is awful, and you can't go outside without ruining your equipment!"
{{quote|I guess living in the country isn't so bad. If I lived in the city I might start to miss all the trees. [Player], I think I've been hanging out with you too much.}}
"I hope Emily isn't too lonely all by herself. I should visit her again soon."
{{quote|Hey I found this new tool to open jars with. So you won't need to help me anymore.}}
"I made a hot meal for you, honey. Lots of spice, just how you like it. Enjoy!"
{{quote|It's fall already?}}
{{quote|It's gross when all these fallen leaves get slimy.}}
{{quote|Hmm... Something smells weird... You've been working on the farm, huh?}}
{{quote|Oh, hi. Did you want something?}}
{{quote|I feel the urge to go shopping. <nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>}}
{{quote|Is that a grass stain on your knee? Sorry, I'm allergic to grass.}}
{{quote|I've never been to the forest. It's muddy and I could get a blister on my foot.}}
{{quote|Something smells earthy... Oh, right. You work on a farm.}}
{{quote|You look like you've been doing a lot of hard work. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?}}
{{quote|If you're ever bored, come say hi.}}
"I never thought I'd say this, but the country lifestyle really suits me."
{{quote|Shopping just doesn't sound as fun as it used to. What's happening to me? Hmm...}}
{{quote|See this bracelet? It belonged to my great-grandmother. She was a really interesting lady.}}
{{quote|I've never been to the forest, you know. It might be interesting to explore it some day.}}
"Hi, honey. I'm so glad you're home. I was starting to get kind of lonely."
{{quote|Did I ever tell you I found another one of my great-grandma's bracelets in the attic? She was a really interesting lady.}}
'''Indoor Days'''
{{quote|I'm starting to like the smell of dirt. Isn't that weird? I think it's because you're around all the time.}}
"Good morning! Did you sleep well?"..."I think I might break out the old camera today... the lighting is just perfect."
{{quote|I want to move somewhere warmer.}}
{{quote|Hi. Do you need something from me?}}
{{quote|Hmm. What brand is your shirt? Oh. Um, nevermind.}}
{{quote|I wish someone would bring me a peppermint coffee. Don't even bother, I know you won't be able to make one.}}
{{quote|I'm going to start writing a list of all the clothes I need for next spring.}}
{{quote|Do you have a pony on your farm? Oh. That's disappointing...}}
{{quote|The only good thing about winter is that I get to sleep more. I like at least 10 hours of sleep every night.}}
{{quote|Will you say hi to Alex for me? Thanks.}}
{{quote|Your name is [Player], right? I keep forgetting.}}
{{quote|Hi [Player]. Is anything exciting happening on your farm?}}
"Good morning, dear! Smells good, doesn't it? I made you breakfast!"..."I know you're busy with your work. I'm here to support you in any way I can!"
{{quote|I think I'm starting to realize that clothes aren't the most important thing. Right?
I still like clothes, though. I mean, what's wrong with expressing yourself a little?}}
{{quote|Maybe I'll donate some of my skirts to a charity this spring.
I mean, I do have over 1,000 skirts.
{{quote|Um, if you see Alex could you tell him I'm busy today? Thanks.}}
"Did you sleep okay? You were snoring a little.".."I've got some chores to do in here. Have a good day."
{{quote|I wish it were warmer here in Stardew Valley. I could move somewhere else, but...}}
{{quote|Do you think you'll ever have a pony on your farm?}}
{{quote|I'm glad you have less work to do in the winter. It must be nice to have a break, huh}}
"I'm glad I've learned to enjoy cleaning! The house gets dirty very easily."..."It's satisfying to get everything squeaky clean."..."Can I have a kiss before you leave?"
''デート / ハート10:''
{{quote|[Player], can we go on a camping trip someday? The most exotic place I've been is Zuzu city.}}
{{quote|Do you have baby bunnies on your farm? Bunnies are SO cute!}}
{{quote|Oh, hi [Player]! Do you like kids?}}
{{quote|[Player], I'm happy to see you today.}}
{{quote|[Player], you look [rugged/pretty] today. I like it.}}
"Good morning, dear. Another day of farm chores, huh?"..."I'll be thinking of you."
{{quote|I'm so happy! It's just like I always dreamed.}}
{{quote|It's okay. I know we can't have a honeymoon, since your farm needs to be taken care of. I'm a farmer now, too!}}
"I felt like I had no direction in life before I met you. Now I have exactly what I want."
{{quote|I've got nothing to say to you!}}
{{quote|Alright, alright... I'm done giving you the cold shoulder. Just promise me you'll never, ever lie to me again.}}
'''Indoor Nights'''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|'''イベント&nbsp;'''  
{{quote|This festival is alright... but what I'm really looking forward to is the Flower Dance.}}
{{quote|I was going to eat some eggs, but then I remembered I'm on a spring diet.}}
"You look like you've been working hard, dear. Let me help you de-stress."
{{quote|I'm practicing my dance moves... It needs to be perfect. I've been flower queen for the past 5 years and I'm not ready to step off the throne just yet!}}
{{quote|Ew... No.}}
'''Outdoor Days'''
{{quote|I would dance, but I don't want to get sweaty.}}
{{quote|Phew... I'm afraid to move, or else I might start to sweat.}}
"I always feel best when I'm outside, breathing fresh air."..."Don't get me wrong, your grandpa's old cottage is very nice! But nothing beats this beautiful landscape."
{{quote|I should've brought my camera! I always forget.}}
"We've got to make sure the farm is cute! That might be important... right, honey?"
{{quote|Have you been to the fortune teller? She set up her stand in the graveyard.
I already saw her... she told me something.., interesting. *giggle*}}
{{quote|Did you remember to bring good stuff for our grange display? I hope we win this year}}
"Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!"..."I'll be thinking of you."
{{quote|Eek! I'm too scared.}}
{{quote|I get scared easily... I think I'm just going to stay right here.}}
"I'm just going to do some dusting over here. That should help you out, right?"..."*phew*... it's hot out here."
{{quote|I guess Winter isn't all bad... playing in the snow can be fun!}}
{{quote|Brr... my hands are freezing from making this snowman.}}
"Don't overwork yourself, dear."..."Make sure and take a break every now and then, or get something to eat."
{{quote|I hope there's a new camera for me under the spirit tree!}}
{{quote|Me?... Oh, I'm thankful for... how about I just show you when we get home tonight?}}
"Looks like a good day to work on my tan, don't you think, sweetheart?"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|'''結婚後&nbsp;'''  
'''Going out'''
"I'm going to socialize in town for a bit today."
"It was nice seeing everyone in town. Did you have a good day, dear?"
'''First Child'''
"Isn't it strange? I'm not used to being a mother."
'''Second Child'''
"Isn't [Second Child] a very good-looking baby?"
"A big house, two kids, and a beautiful plot of land. I'm not sure what else I could ask for."
'''On patio'''
"Say 'goat cheese'!"
"So, what are we planting this season?"
"Now that winter's over, we've got lots of sunny weather to look forward to. I'm excited."
"Aren't you glad winter's over, honey? Things seem more hopeful now."
{{quote|Good morning! Did you sleep well? I think I might break out the old camera today... the lighting is just perfect.}}
{{quote|Good morning, dear! Smells good, doesn't it? I made you breakfast! I know you're busy with your work. I'm here to support you in any way I can!}}
{{quote|Did you sleep okay? You were snoring a little. I've got some chores to do in here. Have a good day.}}
{{quote|I'm glad I've learned to enjoy cleaning! The house gets dirty very easily. It's satisfying to get everything squeaky clean. Can I have a kiss before you leave?}}
{{quote|Good morning, dear. Another day of farm chores, huh? I'll be thinking of you.}}
{{quote|I felt like I had no direction in life before I met you. Now I have exactly what I want.}}
{{quote|I always feel best when I'm outside, breathing fresh air... Don't get me wrong, your grandpa's old cottage is very nice! But nothing beats this beautiful landscape.}}
{{quote|We've got to make sure the farm is cute! That might be important... right, honey?}}
{{quote|Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry! I'll be thinking of you.}}
{{quote|I'm just going to do some dusting over here. That should help you out, right<nowiki>*phew*</nowiki>... it's hot out here.}}
{{quote|Don't overwork yourself, dear. Make sure and take a break every now and then, or get something to eat.}}
{{quote|Looks like a good day to work on my tan, don't you think, sweetheart?}}
{{quote|Say 'goat cheese'!}}
"Sorry if I don't look my best... the air is just so humid that my hair doesn't hold up too well."
{{quote|You look like you've been working hard, dear. Let me help you de-stress.}}
"It's summer... that means the house is full of flies and ants... yuck."
{{quote|I've changed a lot over the years, but I still prefer sunny weather.}}
{{quote|Sometimes I daydream about our retirement... relaxing on the sunny beaches of the Fern Islands! Do you ever think about the future, [Player]?}}
{{quote|I can't go outside today... my hair will go limp. Forgive me, dear. I want to look my best for you.}}
{{quote|Are you going out in this weather? Just make sure to wipe your boots on the way back in, honey. I'll just stay here and do some housework.}}
{{quote|Oh no... If this weather keeps up I'll get so pale!}}
{{quote|Good morning! I got up early and baked something sweet for you! I know you're strong, but you still need to eat well to stay at your best!}}
"I love watching the fireflies on a hot summer's night. It's the closest I'll ever come to visiting the stars."
{{quote|Oh, I'm glad you're back. It's so cold in here by myself... Are you almost ready to shut off the lights?}}
{{quote|I hope it's nice and sunny tomorrow morning. Too much rain can make me moody.}}
{{quote|Rain is horrible for a photographer. The lighting is awful, and you can't go outside without ruining your equipment!}}
{{quote|I hope Emily isn't too lonely all by herself. I should visit her again soon.}}
{{quote|I never thought I'd say this, but the country lifestyle really suits me.}}
{{quote|Hi, honey. I'm so glad you're home. I was starting to get kind of lonely.}}
{{quote|I made a hot meal for you, honey. Lots of spice, just how you like it. Enjoy!}}
{{quote|I'm going to socialize in town for a bit today.}}
{{quote|It was nice seeing everyone in town. Did you have a good day, dear?}}
"I already miss summer..."
{{quote|Isn't it strange? I'm not used to being a mother.}}
"Fall is kind of sad for me... everything is dying."
{{quote|Isn't [Second Child] a very good-looking baby?}}
{{quote|A big house, two kids, and a beautiful plot of land. I'm not sure what else I could ask for.}}
"Even though I prefer summer, fall might be the best season to take pictures. Those long, low shadows..."
{{quote|Aren't you glad winter's over, honey? Things seem more hopeful now.}}
''春 1日''
{{quote|Now that winter's over, we've got lots of sunny weather to look forward to. I'm excited.}}
''春 2日''
{{quote|So, what are we planting this season?}}
{{quote|I love watching the fireflies on a hot summer's night. It's the closest I'll ever come to visiting the stars.}}
''夏 3日''
{{quote|Sorry if I don't look my best... the air is just so humid that my hair doesn't hold up too well.}}
{{quote|Phew... I'm afraid to move, or else I might start to sweat.}}
''夏 15日''
{{quote|It's summer... that means the house is full of flies and ants... yuck.}}
"My skin feels so dry in this weather."
{{quote|Even though I prefer summer, fall might be the best season to take pictures. Those long, low shadows...}}
''秋 1日''
{{quote|Fall is kind of sad for me... everything is dying.}}
''秋 2日''
{{quote|I already miss summer...}}
{{quote|Did you remember to bring good stuff for our grange display? I hope we win this year.}}
{{quote|I get scared easily... I think I'm just going to stay right here.}}
"For some reason, the snowy weather gives me cravings for pink cake..."
{{quote|I was just thinking about the time you helped me open a jar of pickles. Remember that? We've come a long way since then.}}
''冬 2日''
{{quote|For some reason, the snowy weather gives me cravings for pink cake...}}
{{quote|Brr... my hands are freezing from making this snowman.}}
''冬 14日''
{{quote|My skin feels so dry in this weather.}}
{{quote|Me?... Oh, I'm thankful for... how about I just show you when we get home tonight?}}
"I was just thinking about the time you helped me open a jar of pickles. Remember that?"..."We've come a long way since then."
{{quote|I'll be fine on my own... Thanks for the memories.
Why are you still clinging to me? Go live your own life.}}
   1,059行目: 1,202行目:     
Haley's look evolved over the years the game was in development.
Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Haley's style changed over the years before the game was launched.
[[File:Haley Timeline.png|center]]
[[File:Haley Timeline.png|center]]
* ヘイリーの個性はハートの数とともに劇的に変わります。最初彼女はこの小さい町が嫌いだと言い始め、延々とショッピングモールやショッピングのことを話します。しかしハート7~10のとき、彼女は服をチャリティーに寄付することを話し、大きな街だとコミュニティができなかっただろうからここが小さな町でよかったと言います。
* ヘイリーの個性はハートの数とともに劇的に変わります。最初彼女はこの小さい町が嫌いだと言い始め、延々とショッピングモールやショッピングのことを話します。しかしハート7~10のとき、彼女は服をチャリティーに寄付することを話し、大きな街だとコミュニティができなかっただろうからここが小さな町でよかったと言います。
* ハート10での場面は全て暗室で会ったのに対し、結婚後の配偶者の部屋には新しい暗室は含まれていません。
* ハート10での場面は全て暗室で会ったのに対し、結婚後の配偶者の部屋には新しい暗室は含まれていません。
*  "[[ソースの女王|Queen of Sauce]]"の"[[ピンクケーキ|pink cake]]"の回で、女王が「きょうはペリカンタウンからおたよりが届いてるの。さっそく読んでみましょう… こんにちは、ハーレイ(ヘイリー)さん『 [[設定#ズズシティ|Zuzu City]] にいたときにあなたのピンクケーキを食べたんだけど、すっかり夢中になっちゃったの。よかったら、次の回でレシピを教えてくれない?』もちろん!あのケーキは最高よね。ひみつはなんだと思う?それはね…メロンなの!」と紹介します。
*  "[[ソースの女王]]"の"[[ピンクケーキ]]"の回で、女王が「きょうはペリカンタウンからおたよりが届いてるの。さっそく読んでみましょう…こんにちは、ハーレイ(ヘイリー)さん『 [[設定#ズズシティ|ズズシティ]]にいたときにあなたのピンクケーキを食べたんだけど、すっかり夢中になっちゃったの。よかったら、次の回でレシピを教えてくれない?』もちろん!あのケーキは最高よね。ひみつはなんだと思う?それはね…メロンなの!」と紹介します。
* エミリーによると、ヘイリーは [[ノワサビ|wild horseradish]]が大嫌いであるそうです。
* エミリーによると、ヘイリーは[[ノワサビ]]が大嫌いであるそうです。
* 現在、ヘイリーが "Sometimes I wonder if we're even related.." とエミリーに言及した際、何も書いていないダイアログボックスが彼女のポートレートと共に現れる不具合が発生しています。
* 現在、ヘイリーが "Sometimes I wonder if we're even related.." とエミリーに言及した際、何も書いていないダイアログボックスが彼女のポートレートと共に現れる不具合が発生しています。
