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6,077 バイト追加 、 2024年6月26日 (水)
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1行目: 1行目: −
{{Infobox tool
|name        = 銅の砂金皿
|image        = Copper Pan.png
|cost        = 購入不可
<!--Note: This section is transcluded on the Tools page-->
<section begin="pan" />
|[[File:Copper Pan.png]]
|[[File:Steel Pan.png]]
|{{name|Iron Bar|5}}
|[[File:Gold Pan.png]]
|{{name|Gold Bar|5}}
|[[File:Iridium Pan.png]]
|{{name|Iridium Bar|5}}
|}<section end="pan" />
砂金採りをすると常に1種類の金属鉱石をランダムな数入手します。銅の砂金皿の場合は3~9個、イリジウムの砂金皿の場合は6~12個の範囲です。幸運バフと毎日の幸運によっても、取得量がわずかに増加します(幸運バフのレベルが5の場合、追加で鉱石が1個保証され、毎日の幸運が100%の場合、鉱石の量が平均で0.2増加します)。<ref name="itemPanChances" />
* {{name|Iridium Ore|1%}}
* {{name|Gold Ore|20.8%}}
* {{name|Iron Ore|32.3%}}
* {{name|Copper Ore|36%}}
* {{name|Bone Fragment|10%、[[鍛造#どうぐのエンチャント|考古学者]]で20%に増加、イリジウム以外のタイプは減少}}
Pan level increases the chance to find iridium by 5% per level, daily luck by ±10%, and Luck buffs by 0.1% per level. The chance to find copper is reduced respectively.
In addition, various special items can be received. The number of rolls for these items is random, and is affected by the type of pan used, Luck level, and daily luck. The type of Pan sets a hard cap on the maximum number of rolls, with the Copper Pan being limited to 1 roll and Iridium Pan having up to 4 rolls. The Generous enchantment increases this cap by 2.
There is a base 40% chance for the roll to succeed, which is changed ±10% by daily luck, increased by 4% per level of Luck buff, and increased by 4% per Pan level (e.g. by 12% for the Iridium Pan). If the Pan is [[Forge#Tool enchantments|enchanted]] (no matter what enchantment), this becomes 5% per level, e.g. 15% for the Iridium Pan. Once this roll fails, more items are not given.
For example, for an Iridium Pan enchanted with Generous, there is a 55% base chance for the roll to succeed (modified by luck). If it succeeds, another item is rolled, and so on until there have been 6 rolls or one roll fails. This means that, on average, 1.18 special items are received for each panning. With +2 Luck and perfect daily luck, this increases to 73%, averaging 2.29 special items.
Exactly one item from the following is chosen each roll:
* {{name|Diamond|1.5%、その日の幸運で±7.5%、アップグレードごとに+0.37%}}
* {{name|Amethyst|1%}}
* {{name|Aquamarine|1%}}
* {{name|Emerald|1%}}
* {{name|Ruby|1%}}
* {{name|Topaz|1%}}
* {{name|Omni Geode|28%、1~3個獲得}}
* {{name|Fire Quartz|4.7%}}
* {{name|Earth Crystal|4.7%}}
* {{name|Frozen Tear|4.7%}}
* {{name|Coal|50%、1~7個獲得、毎日の幸運とアップグレードにより減少}}
The decreases to Coal probability mirror the increases to Diamond probability. Also, Luck level very slightly increases Diamond chance and decreases the chance for the other gemstones.
In addition to the one item from above, the following may be added in each roll:
==Items Obtained==
* Random piece of [[Furniture]] or [[Clothing]] (0.5%, up to 5% based on daily luck)
You always receive a random number of one type of metal ore from panning. You may also receive a random amount of coal, one gem/mineral, or a random amount of Omni Geodes. Shown below is a complete list of items that may be obtained by panning, as well as how the percent chance of obtaining them is adjusted for various [[luck]] levels.<ref name="itempanchances" />
* Random location-appropriate [[Fish]] (10%, only if the pan has the Fisher enchantment)
* Random [[Artifact]] (2%, or 7% with the Archaeologist enchantment)
* {{name|Mystery Box|class=inline}} or {{name|Golden Mystery Box|class=inline}} (3.3%, or 4.4% with the [[Book of Mysteries]])
* {{name|Lucky Ring|0% with neutral daily luck, up to 3.3% with perfect daily luck, +0.06% per Luck level}}
As shown, better luck increases the chance of finding [[Iridium Ore]] rather than [[Copper Ore]], and the chance of finding a [[Diamond]] rather than [[Coal]]. Luck from food [[buffs]] also increases the chance of finding a [[Diamond]] rather than an [[Amethyst]], [[Aquamarine]], [[Emerald]], [[Ruby]], or [[Topaz]]. Luck from food buffs affects the percent chance of finding ore by 0.4% for each integer difference in luck, and by 4% for each integer difference in luck for all other items.
In addition to the special items, a few more items are rolled separately. There is a 5% chance to get an [[Artifact Trove]], which is increased to 20% with the Archaeologist enchantment. This roll is repeated until it fails, giving 0.05 troves on average, or 0.25 with Archaeologist.
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 12px;">
On Ginger Island, two extra items can be received: the [[Fossilized Tail]] with a 20% chance (only in the [[Ginger Island#Dig Site|Dig Site river]]) or [[Taro Tuber]]s with a 20% chance (everywhere else). Shimmering lights will appear at least every half hour at the Dig Site river.
{{name|Copper Ore|40% ∓ daily luck, −food buff}}
{{name|Iron Ore|35.9%}}
{{name|Gold Ore|23.1%}}
{{name|Iridium Ore|1% ± daily luck, +food buff}}
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 12px;">
{{name|Amethyst|1.6%, −food buff}}
{{name|Aquamarine|1.6%, −food buff}}
{{name|Diamond|2% ± daily luck, +food buff}}
|[[File:Copper Pan (hat).png]]
{{name|Emerald|1.6%, −food buff}}
{{name|Ruby|1.6%, −food buff}}
|{{Description|Copper Pan (hat)}}
{{name|Topaz|1.6%, −food buff}}
|[[File:Steel Pan (hat).png]]
<div style="float: left;">
|{{Description|Steel Pan (hat)}}
{{name|Coal|50% ∓ daily luck,}}
{{name|Earth Crystal|4.9%}}
|[[File:Gold Pan (hat).png]]
{{name|Fire Quartz|4.2%}}
{{name|Frozen Tear|4.9%}}
|{{Description|Gold Pan (hat)}}
{{name|Omni Geode|26%}}
|[[File:Iridium Pan (hat).png]]
|{{Description|Iridium Pan (hat)}}
<ref name="itempanchances">See <tt>Pan::getPanItems</tt> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="itemPanChances">ゲームコード内の<samp>Pan::getPanItems</samp>を参照。</ref>
   53行目: 141行目:     
[[es:Batea de cobre]]
[[fr:Tamis en cuivre]]
[[it:Setaccio di rame]]
[[ko:구리 선광 냄비]]
[[ko:구리 선광 냄비]]
[[hu:Réz Serpenyő]]
[[hu:Réz Serpenyő]]
[[pt:Peneira de cobre]]
[[ru:Медный промывочный ковш]]
[[ru:Медный промывочный ковш]]
[[tr:Bakır Tepsi]]
[[tr:Eleme Tavaları]]

