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{{Infobox clothing
|image = Basilisk Paw.png
|source = [[Monsters]] • [[The Mines#Crates and Barrels|Crates and Barrels]] • [[Skull Cavern#Treasure Rooms|Skull Cavern Treasure Rooms]]
|gprice = N/A
|value = {{Price|1000}}
The '''Basilisk Paw''' is a [[Trinkets|trinket]] item that can be obtained by slaying [[monsters]] or breaking [[The Mines#Crates and Barrels|crates and barrels]] in [[the Mines]], [[Skull Cavern]], or [[Quarry Mine]]. Drop chances from both methods are affected by [[Luck#Daily Luck|daily luck]] and [[Luck#Luck Buffs|luck buffs]], among other factors. The [[Burglar's Ring]] and [[Monster Compendium]] do not impact the chance to obtain it from monsters.<ref name="tryspawntrinket" /> There is also a ~0.6% chance to obtain a Basilisk Paw from a [[Skull Cavern#Treasure Rooms|treasure chest]] in the [[Skull Cavern]].<ref name="treasureroom" />

While the Basilisk Paw is equipped in the trinket slot, the player is completely immune to all [[Buffs|debuffs]] caused by enemies (''e.g.'', Slimed or Jinxed). It does not prevent the self-inflicted Tipsy debuff. The trinket has the same effect as the [[Buffs#Squid Ink Ravioli|Squid Ink Ravioli buff]].<ref name="basiliskeffect" />

The Basilisk Paw cannot be re-forged on an [[Anvil]].


<ref name="tryspawntrinket">See <samp>Trinket::TrySpawnTrinket</samp>, <samp>GameLocation::monsterDrop</samp>, and <samp>BreakableContainer::releaseContents</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="treasureroom">See <samp>MineShaft::getTreasureRoomItem</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="basiliskeffect">See <samp>Bat::onDealContactDamage</samp>, <samp>GreenSlime::onDealContactDamage</samp>, <samp>BasicProjectile::behaviorOnCollisionWithPlayer</samp>, and <samp>DebuffingProjectile::onDealContactDamage</samp> in the game code.</ref>




[[de:Basilisk Pfote]]
[[en:Basilisk Paw]]
[[es:Garra de basilisco]]
[[fr:Patte de basilic]]
[[it:Zampa di basilisco]]
[[ko:바실리스크 발]]
[[hu:Baziliszkusz mancs]]
[[pt:Pata do Basilisco]]
[[ru:Лапа Василиска]]
[[tr:Basilisk Pençesi]]

