
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
74行目: 74行目:     
:''参照: [[子供]]''
:''参照: [[子ども]]''
This event is chosen if you agreed to have a child 14 days ago in the [[#Spouse asks for a child|spouse asks for a child]] event.  The child appears in the farmhouse crib the next day.
'''Bug:''' if another event is selected above, the child is never born or delivered.
'''Bug:''' 違うイベントを選択していた場合、子どもは出生または出産されません。
If married to an NPC:
: This event has a 5% chance of being chosen if you've been married for at least 7 days, sleeping at home, have at least 10 hearts with your spouse, have the [[Farmhouse|nursery upgrade]], aren't already having a child, and have no children or one child at the toddler age.
: 結婚して7日以上経過した後、あなたが配偶者とハート10の関係を維持し、すでに[[|2回目のアップグレード]]を行っており、子どもがいないもしくは最初の子どもが幼児に成長している場合、夜ベッドに入ると、5%の確率でこのイベントが発生します。
: Your spouse asks if you want to have a child. If you agree, the [[#Child is born or delivered|child is born or delivered]] after 14 days.
: あなたの配偶者から、子どもが欲しいかどうか聞かれ、あなたが同意すると、14日後に[[出生または出産]]が発生します。
If married to another player:
: This event has a 5% chance of being chosen if you're sleeping at an eligible home and aren't already having a child. A home is eligible for children if it's owned by one of the married players, has the [[Farmhouse|nursery upgrade]] upgrade, and doesn't already have two children.
: すでにどちらかのプレイヤーが[[|2回目のアップグレード]]を行っており、子どもがいないもしくは最初の子どもが幼児に成長している場合、夜ベッドに入ると、5%の確率でこのイベントが発生します。
: One player is randomly chosen to propose having children; if both players accept, the [[#Child is born or delivered|child is born or delivered]] after 14 days.
: ゲーム内でランダムに、どちらかのプレイヤーがもう一方のプレイヤーに子どもをもつことを提案します。受け入れた場合は、14日後に[[出生または出産]]が発生します。
In either case, you can safely decline without repercussions; the event will be rechecked on later nights with the same conditions. See [[Marriage]], [[Children]], and [[Multiplayer#Marriage]] for more info.

