
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
{{Infobox furniture
|showheader = n
|description = {{Description|Trash Catalogue}}
|os = [[Garbage Can]]s
The '''Trash Catalogue''' is a catalogue of furniture and decor items that can be obtained from searching [[Garbage Can]]s. After a player records a minimum of 50 garbage cans searched, there is a 0.2% (1 in 500) chance of receiving the catalogue for each can searched. Several items included in the catalogue can be seen around the valley.

Once placed, [[File:Right-Click.png|24px]] on the trash catalogue allows the player to obtain unlimited trash-themed furniture and decor items at no cost.

'''Tip:''' {{Key|Shift}} + [[File:Left-Click.png|24px]] on an item to add it directly to inventory, instead of attaching it to the mouse cursor.

==Available Trash Furniture==
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
|[[Aluminum Can]]
|[[Blue Bottle]]
|[[Broken Television]]
|[[Buried Tire]]
|[[Green Bottle]]
|[[Messy Shirt]]
|[[Messy Shorts]]
|[[Moldy Couch]]
|[[Plastic Bag]]
|[[Plastic Lawn Chair]]
|[[File:Plastic Lawn End Table.png|32px|center]]
|[[Plastic Lawn End Table]]
|[[File:Six-Pack Rings.png|32px|center]]
|[[Six-Pack Rings]]
|[[File:Spilled Beverage.png|32px|center]]
|[[Spilled Beverage]]

==Available Wallpaper==
|[[File:Wallpaper 135.png]]
|[[File:Wallpaper 136.png]]




[[en:Trash Catalogue]]
[[es:Catálogo basura]]
[[fr:Catalogue des déchets]]
[[it:Catalogo dei rifiuti]]
[[ko:쓰레기 카탈로그]]
[[hu:Szemét katalógus]]
[[pt:Catálogo de Lixo]]
[[ru:Каталог мусора]]
[[tr:Çöp Kataloğu]]

