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<span id="infoboxborder">[[File:Pelican Town.png|600px]]</span>
<span id="infoboxborder">[[File:Pelican Town.png|600px]]</span>
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*Dr. Harvey, in calling out on his shortwave radio, identifies his location (in Pelican Town) as [https://www.google.com/maps/place/52%C2%B000'00.0%22N+43%C2%B030'00.0%22E/@53.0836475,33.8659055,5.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d52!4d43.5 52 north, 43.5 east]. Thus, if Stardew Valley is on Earth, it can be found near a village called Krasnoye (one of many such) in Russia - about 160 km (100 mi) WNW of Saratov, and about 600 km (375 mi) SE of Moscow. "Krasnoye" means "beautiful". However, it is not on a sea shore. Perhaps this is the location of a warp totem to Stardew Valley.
