
2018年4月6日 (金) 05:43時点におけるRyuka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (一部既存の翻訳されたテキストに差し替え)


Robin building.png
- ロビン


Ryukaによって最後に編集されました 2018-04-06 05:43:08.

「You can learn to survive in the wild. I have. I think we all have a hidden urge to return to nature. It's just a little scary to make the leap.」
- ライナス

Linus is a villager who lives in a small tent north of ペリカンタウン near 鉱山.



Monday - Sunday

Time Location
6:30 AM Behind the bush next to his tent.
7:00 AM In front of his tent, next to the campfire.
9:30 AM Leaving campground to stand next to the lake.
10:00 AM Standing next to the lake near his campground.
2:00 PM Heads back to camp.
2:30 PM In front of his tent, next to the campfire.
7:00 PM Inside his tent.


Time Location
6:40 AM Inside his tent.
9:40 AM Behind the bush next to his tent.
10:20 AM Inside his tent.
3:10 PM Standing under the purple leaf tree near his tent.
7:10 PM Inside his tent.

Monday - Sunday

Time Location
6:40 AM Overlooking the lake from the cliff his campsite is on.
9:40 AM Leaving campground to stand next to the lake.
10:20 AM Standing next to the lake near his campground.
1:10 PM Standing further south, near really long fence.
4:00 PM Heads back to camp.
4:40 PM In front of his tent, next to the campfire.
8:00 PM Behind the bush next to his tent.
8:20 PM Inside his tent.


Time Location
6:40 AM Inside his tent.
9:40 AM Behind the bush next to his tent.
10:20 AM Inside his tent.
3:10 PM Standing under the purple leaf tree near his tent.
7:10 PM Inside his tent.

Monday - Sunday

Time Location
6:40 AM Inside his tent.
7:10 AM Behind the bush next to his tent.
7:40 AM In front of his tent, next to the campfire.
9:30 AM By the Spa.
2:50 PM Standing by the lake next to his campsite.
6:30 PM Inside his tent.


Time Location
6:40 AM Inside his tent.
9:40 AM Behind the bush next to his tent.
10:20 AM Inside his tent.
3:10 PM Standing under the purple leaf tree near his tent.
7:10 PM Inside his tent.

Monday - Sunday

Time Location
4:20 PM In the entrance of the spa.


Time Location
11:30 AM In front of his tent, next to the campfire.
12:00 PM Spa Entrance
4:00 PM Leaves spa


Time Location
2:00 PM Walks from outside of Tent to Spa
2:40 PM Inside Spa Entrance
6:00 PM Walks from Spa to inside of Tent
6:40 PM Inside Tent


Time Location
5:00 PM Warming up inside the Spa


Time Location
Most of the Day Warming up inside the Spa


Time Location
11:00 AM In front of his tent


Time Location
Most of the Day Warming up inside the Spa


Linus generally considers himself an outcast of the town. He does not trust people, and doesn't seem to consider anyone in town his friend (However, based on dialogue only available using exploits, Linus is friends with the Wizard. This dialogue is accessible if the player talks to the Wizard who is overlooking the maze during the Halloween event.), as to the fact that most people don't treat him well. During Festivals, he can usually be found alone and out of the way. At one point, Linus tells the player that his tent has been destroyed before. Robin mentions that she doesn't mind him living behind their house, as long as he doesn't bother them.



プレイヤーはライナスに週2回(誕生日に1回)プレゼントすることができ、それによって彼との友好度が上がったり下がったりします。彼の誕生日(  の3日)にプレゼントすると8倍の効果があり、特殊な会話が見られます。


「誕生日プレゼント? 親切にどうも、 ありがとう!」

「誕生日を覚えていたんだな! ありがとう。これは いいものだ。」


「誕生日プレゼントだって! ありがとう。」


「おや… 誕生日プレゼントに? ありがとう…」


「This is wonderful! You've really made my day special.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
ブルーベリータルト さわやかさをたたえた絶妙な一品。 料理   ブルーベリー(1)  コムギ粉(1)  砂糖(1)  タマゴ(1)
サボテンフルーツ ウチワサボテンに実るあまいフルーツ。 採取 - カリコ砂漠
ココナッツ ココやしの木になる実。いろんな料理に利用できる。 採取 - カリコ砂漠
おさかな定食 This'll keep you warm in the cold sea air. 料理   イワシ(2)  ハッシュドポテト(1)
サツマイモ 多彩な料理につかわれるほくほくしたイモ。 作物 -


「This is a great gift. Thank you!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
アンズタケ おいしいキノコ。フルーティーな香りのなかに、ちょっぴりコショウの香りが混じる。 採取 -
マッシュルーム 食感がよくておいしいキノコ。ほのかにナッツの香りがする。 採取 -
ラッパスイセン 古くから親しまれている春の花。贈りものによろこばれる。 採取 -
タンポポ 花はパッとしないが、葉っぱがおいしいサラダになる。 採取 -
ヘーゼルナッツ とびきり大きいヘーゼルナッツ。 採取 -
ひいらぎ 赤い実をつける植物。葉にトゲがある。冬の飾りつけによくつかわれる。 採取 -
ポロネギ ネギの仲間。あまみがあっておいしい。 採取 -
アミガサタケ 独特のかぐわしい香りゆえに珍重されるキノコ。 採取 -
むらさきキノコ めずらしいキノコ。洞窟の深いところに生える。 採取 - 鉱山
スノーヤム 雪の下にかくれている小さなイモ。 採取 -
葉タマネギ 春になると生えてくる山菜。 採取 -
ノワサビ ピリッと辛い根っこ。春の野で採れる。 採取 -
クワイ でんぷん質の根っこ。 採取 -


「A gift? How nice.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先


「Hmm... This doesn't really do much for me.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先


「Why would you give this to me? Do you think I like junk just because I live in a tent? That's terrible.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先




After you have 50 Friendship points with Linus, enter the town between 8pm - 12am on a sunny day. (This event cannot trigger before Spring 7, Year 1)

George will ask you to scare off some raccoons who are stealing from his trash cans. Instead, you discover Linus, who is extremely embarrassed, but explains that if he didn't eat the food, it would go to waste. You then get the option to tell him what you think about his actions. After you leave, he proceeds to try to steal from the Saloon's trash can, where he is caught by Gus, who gives him a meal saying that he doesn't want any villager to go hungry.



After reaching 3 hearts with Linus he will send you a recipe in the mail.

画像 レシピ 説明
刺し身 (Name),

how are you doing? I've enclosed some instructions on how to make one of my favorite fish recipes.




Enter the mountain area near his tent between 8 pm - 12 am on a sunny or snowy day.

Linus will invite the player over to his camp site. He will apologize for not trusting you when you first met, and thanks you for being a good friend. He invites the player into his tent, where he shows them how to craft Wild Bait for use in fishing.













After reaching seven hearts with Linus, he will send the player a recipe and begin to send gifts in the mail.

画像 アイテム / レシピ 説明
フィッシュタコス (Name),

how are you doing? I've enclosed some instructions on how to make one of my favorite fish recipes.


  Catfish Hello, friend.

The mountain lake has been kind to me lately. I'd like to share my good fortune with you.


  Largemouth Bass
  Maki Roll
  Fried Calamari



  • Occasionally If you speak to Linus, he will mention he has ventured down deep into the mines. He is also one of the people, should you lose your health, will come and retrieve you and take you back home.
  • You can toggle the Campfire in front of Linus' tent. This seems to have no effect on the game whatsoever (no special dialogs, no effect on friendship, etc.) Linus will never re-light the fire if you put it out.
