
2018年4月6日 (金) 04:43時点におけるRyuka (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (一部既存の翻訳されたテキストに差し替え)


Robin building.png
- ロビン


Ryukaによって最後に編集されました 2018-04-06 04:43:15.

「If you're looking for seeds, my shop is the place to go. I'll also buy produce from you for a good price! A little agriculture could really inject new life into the local economy!」
- ピエール

Pierre is a villager who lives in ペリカンタウン. He owns and runs Pierre's General Store.


Pierre can be found running his general store each day between 9:00 AM and 5:00 (except Wednesday when the store is closed). After work each day he leaves the store counter and moves around his home. On Friday evening after work he walks to the saloon to socialize, provided it is not raining. Outside of Friday evening, festivals and events, Pierre does not travel outside his home.

After the Community Center has been fully restored his store will no longer be closed Wednesday, and will instead be open every day of the week.

His schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like weather or certain days of the week. Below are his schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it).

7:00 AM Pierre's Home Wakes up for the day, moves around his his home.
8:30 AM Pierre's General Store Walks to counter to open up his store.
9:00 AM Pierre's General Store Opens his general store for business for the day.
5:00 PM Pierre's General Store Leaves the store counter and walks around his home.
7:00 PM Pierre's Home Continues to walk around his his home.
9:00 PM Pierre's Home Continues to walk around his his home.
11:00 PM Pierre's Home Goes to bed for the night.
7:00 AM Pierre's Home Wakes up for the day, moves around his his home.
8:30 AM Pierre's General Store Walks to counter to open up his store.
9:00 AM Pierre's General Store Opens his general store for business for the day.
5:00 PM Pierre's General Store Leaves the store and walks to the saloon. "I've been working hard all week. I deserve a little relaxation on a Friday night."
11:50 PM Pierre's Home Leaves the saloon and walks home for the night.
Regular Schedule
7:00 AM Pierre's Home Wakes up and walks around in his home.
8:30 AM Pierre's General Store Walks to the counter and prepares to open up his store.
9:00 AM Pierre's General Store Opens his general store for business.
5:00 PM Pierre's General Store Leaves the store counter and walks around in his home.
7:00 PM Pierre's Home Continues to walk around in his home.
9:00 PM Pierre's Home Continues to walk around in his home.
11:00 PM Pierre's Home Goes to bed for the night.


Pierre lives with his wife Caroline and their daughter Abigail behind his shop. On Friday evenings he socializes with other villagers at the saloon, but outside that he only interacts with others at his store.

He feels threatened by JojaMart and Morris's attempts to draw his customers away from the store, and worries that he won't be able to make as much money because of this.

He has a strained relationship with Abigail due to their different beliefs, as shown in a few cutscenes.



プレイヤーはピエールに週2回(誕生日に1回)プレゼントすることができ、それによって彼との友好度が上がったり下がったりします。彼の誕生日(  の26日)にプレゼントすると8倍の効果があり、特殊な会話が見られます。


「誕生日プレゼント? 親切にどうも、 ありがとう!」

「誕生日を覚えていたんだな! ありがとう。これは いいものだ。」


「誕生日プレゼントだって! ありがとう。」


「おや… 誕生日プレゼントに? ありがとう…」


「This is my all-time favorite! Thank you!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
イカリング 肉厚の身は歯ごたえばつぐん。 料理   イカ(1)  コムギ粉(1)  オイル(1)


「That's very kind of you. I like this.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
ラッパスイセン 古くから親しまれている春の花。贈りものによろこばれる。 採取 -
タンポポ 花はパッとしないが、葉っぱがおいしいサラダになる。 採取 -


「A present? Thanks!」
画像 名前 説明 入手先


「This isn't exactly my favorite...」
画像 名前 説明 入手先
アンズタケ おいしいキノコ。フルーティーな香りのなかに、ちょっぴりコショウの香りが混じる。 採取 -
マッシュルーム 食感がよくておいしいキノコ。ほのかにナッツの香りがする。 採取 -
ヘーゼルナッツ とびきり大きいヘーゼルナッツ。 採取 -
ひいらぎ 赤い実をつける植物。葉にトゲがある。冬の飾りつけによくつかわれる。 採取 -
ポロネギ ネギの仲間。あまみがあっておいしい。 採取 -
アミガサタケ 独特のかぐわしい香りゆえに珍重されるキノコ。 採取 -
サーモンベリー 森の香りがする春のベリー。 採取 -
むらさきキノコ めずらしいキノコ。洞窟の深いところに生える。 採取 - 鉱山
スノーヤム 雪の下にかくれている小さなイモ。 採取 -
ノワサビ ピリッと辛い根っこ。春の野で採れる。 採取 -
クワイ でんぷん質の根っこ。 採取 -


「Please, never bring this to me again.」
画像 名前 説明 入手先 材料
トウモロコシ ポピュラーな穀物のひとつ。もぎたてのあまい実は夏の人気者。 作物 - ,
ニンニク その辛みと香りは料理の風味づけにぴったり。品質が高いほど辛みがつよくなる。 作物 -
パースニップのスープ みずみずしくてヘルシーなスープ。 料理   パースニップ(1)  ミルク(1)  (1)
トルティーヤ そのままでも、なにかを巻いて食べてもおいしい。 料理   トウモロコシ(1)




After reaching 3 hearts with Pierre he will send you a recipe in the mail.

画像 レシピ 説明
ブルーベリータルト TOP SECRET :

Here's the recipe for my famous blueberry tart. Don't tell anyone! I'm giving it to you because we are such good friends.




Enter Pierre's Shop to activate the cut-scene.

You enter Pierre's bedroom. After looking around, you find Pierre's 'secret stash' behind the bookshelf. Pierre catches you, asks that you tell no one. If you agree to say nothing, he in return agrees not to tell anyone that you were snooping in his bedroom. If you refuse, you will lose 2 hearts with him.




  • According to his daughter, Abigail, Pierre is allergic to cats, and also "pretty much everything".