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[[File:Warp Totem Beach location.png|thumb|right|200px|ビーチにワープした時の位置。]]
ビーチで採取できる全てのアイテムからは、7ポイントの[[採取]]経験値を得ることができます。<ref name="foraging_xp" />
ビーチは、採取アイテムの豊富な供給源です。採取アイテムの追加のソースがいくつかあるだけでなく、比較的速い速度でアイテムがスポーンします。採取アイテムのほとんどは1年中入手可能です。[[レインボーシェル]]と[[オウムガイの貝がら]]は、季節限定のアイテムです<ref name="forage_chance" />
* {{name|Clam|class=inline}} (春/秋56%、夏43%、冬24%)
* {{name|Mussel|class=inline}} (春/秋19%、夏14%、冬12%)
* {{name|Oyster|class=inline}} (春/秋19%、夏14%、冬12%)
* {{name|Cockle|class=inline}} (春/秋6%、夏5%、冬3%)
* 夏のみ: {{name|Rainbow Shell|class=inline}} (24%)
* 冬のみ: {{name|Nautilus Shell|class=inline}} (48%)
これらのアイテムがスポーンできる可能性のあるゾーンは、マップ上に赤で示されています。ゾーンには、壊れた橋の西にあるほぼすべての乾いた砂と、橋の東にあるほとんどの乾いた砂が含まれます。スポーン可能な場所の80%が橋の西にあるため、アイテムは橋の西にスポーンする可能性が4倍高くなります。ビーチにスポーン可能な場所が多数あるため、1日あたりの平均スポーン率は1.1になります。<ref name="standard_forage" />ただし、一度に可能なアイテムは最大6つです。この制限には、両側のアイテムが含まれます。橋の、ただしこちらにリストされている標準の採取可能なアイテムのみが含まれます([[サンゴ]]、[[ウニ]]、または[[海草]]は含まれません)。
ほとんどのビーチアイテムは季節固有ではありませんが、季節の初日より前、および日曜日の朝より前に削除されます。 これには、潮の水たまりのアイテムと夏の大量採取期間アイテムが含まれます。<ref name="destroy" />
{{name|Coral|class=inline}}と{{name|Sea Urchin|class=inline}}は、潮の水たまりエリア全体に出現する可能性があります(地図上に青色で表示)。どちらのアイテムの数にも厳しい制限はありません。全ての潮の水たまりアイテムの平均スポーン率は1日あたり1.2になります。<ref name="tidepool" /> 標準の採取物とは異なり、この確率は日曜日の朝や季節の初日に増加しません。全ての潮の水たまりアイテムの20%はウニ、80%はサンゴになります。スポーンするサンゴとウニのいくつかは、潮の水たまりで見つかった茂みのようなイソギンチャクの後ろの半分隠されたマスに出る可能性が有るため、見落とされる可能性があります。
Extra items are found on the beach on summer 12-14.  Some of the bonus items are standard forageables because their spawning rate is slightly higher than usual (1.4/night instead of 1.1/night)<ref name="summer_bonus_std" />.
More noticeably, extra [[Coral]]s and [[Sea Urchin]]s spawn during these three days, at an average rate of 4/night (20% Sea Urchins, 80% Corals).<ref name="summer_bonus_tide" />  They can appear nearly anywhere on the beach (white areas on map) -- both east and west of the bridge -- except for the piers.  This is only the time of year when Corals and Sea Urchins appear at the west end of the beach.
During these three days, the ocean is distinctly greener than usual.<ref name="green_ocean" /> However, the map is otherwise unchanged, and therefore any objects previously placed on the beach ([[Crab Pot]]s, [[Chest]]s, [[Tree]]s, etc.) remain available, unlike during other events on the beach.
[[Artifacts]] that can be found by digging up [[Artifact Spot]]s on the Beach are:
* {{name|Dried Starfish|class=inline}} (8%)
* {{name|Glass Shards|class=inline}} (7%)
* {{name|Trilobite|class=inline}} (1.7% + 2.3-5%<ref name="artifact_extra" />)
* {{name|Anchor|class=inline}} (4%)
* {{name|Nautilus Fossil|class=inline}} (1.7%)
* {{name|Ornamental Fan|class=inline}} (1.6%)
* {{name|Skeletal Hand|class=inline}} (0.6%)
* {{name|Palm Fossil|class=inline}} (0.6%)
* {{name|Strange Doll (green)|class=inline}} (0.06%)
* {{name|Strange Doll (yellow)|class=inline}} (0.06%)
Other possible items are:
* 1-3 {{name|Clay|class=inline}} (14-30%<ref name="artifact_extra"/>)
* {{name|Lost Book|class=inline}} (20% + 3-7%<ref name="artifact_extra" />); once all Lost Books have been found, any potential Lost Book is replaced by {{name|Mixed Seeds|class=inline}}.
* Only in [[Winter]]: {{name|Winter Root|class=inline}} (17%)
* Only in [[Winter]]: {{name|Snow Yam|class=inline}} (11%)
* 1-3 {{name|Stone|class=inline}} (5-10%<ref name="artifact_extra" />)
* 1-3 {{name|Gold Ore|class=inline}} (2.2-4%<ref name="artifact_extra" />)
* An unseen {{name|Secret Note|class=inline}}: up to 3% chance, only if the player has a [[Magnifying Glass]].
Note that [[Rice Shoot]]s are never found at the Beach (either in Artifact Spots, or in [[Fishing#Treasure Chests|Fishing Treasure Chests]]).
Artifact spots spawn on the beach at an average rate of 0.4 per night, except in winter when the average rate increases to 0.5 per night.<ref name="artifact_spots" />
[[File:BeachDistances.png|thumb|right|400px|[[Fishing Zone]]s on the Beach]]
All water at the beach is considered to be saltwater, even the section of the river upstream of the bridge (where, in the real world, freshwater fish would be more likely).  Therefore, the same fish are available regardless of where on the beach you are fishing (with the exception of the [[Crimsonfish]], one of the five [[Legendary Fish]], that is only available from the east end of the beach).
Visually, the piers seem to provide better access to deep (dark blue) water.  However, in terms of fishing mechanics the piers are considered to be land.  Therefore, casts made from the end of the pier have no inherent advantage over casts made from the shore.  Similarly, the light blue (apparently shallow) water color to the east and west of the beach has no actual gameplay significance.
[[Bubbles]] tend to appear at the Beach more often than other locations because such a large fraction of the map is covered in water<ref name="bubbles" />.  However, they also frequently appear so far offshore that they are unreachable, even with high Fishing skill.
{{FishLocations Beach}}
*[[夜の市]]中を除いて、ビーチでは[[銅の砂金皿|砂金採り]]はできません。<ref name="panning" />
* [[秘密#ビーチの怪物|ごくまれに、ビーチのメイン波止場の南に緑色の生き物が現れることがあります]]。
<ref name="forage_chance">For each forage item, the provided percentage is the average percentage of all standard forage items that will be the specified item for that season. The input data is <tt>[[Modding:Location_data|Locations.xnb]]</tt>, which is processed by code in <tt>GameLocation::spawnObjects</tt>.</ref>
<ref name="destroy">See game code in <tt>Beach::DayUpdate</tt>. Note that all extra items are created using <tt>GameLocation::dropObject</tt>, which gives them the <tt>isSpawnedObject</tt> flag, causing them to automatically be destroyed at the end of a week/season.</ref>
<ref name="foraging_xp">Experience is rewarded by <tt>GameLocation::checkAction</tt>, based in part on whether an item <tt>Object.isForage</tt>.  Although shells and fish would not normally qualify as forage items, <tt>Object.isForage</tt> explicitly allows all items found on the beach to be considered forage.</ref>
<ref name="standard_forage">Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 647 (12%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items.  133 of these locations are east of the broken bridge. For more information on forage item spawning, see [[Foraging#Spawning|Foraging]].</ref>
<ref name="tidepool">The game code spawning tide pool items is in <tt>Beach::DayUpdate</tt>. Coral and Sea Urchins are created within a loop that starts with a base 100% chance, then repeats indefinitely, multiplying the chance by 0.5 each time, until one of the tests fail.  The actual spawn rate is reduced slightly by valid locations: the code randomly selects any of 300 tiles, but only 212 of the tiles are valid spawning tiles.  Seaweed is created within a second loop, where the chance of the first seaweed is 0.025 (0.25*0.1), but multiple loops are also possible.  Location selection does not alter the spawning chance, because all 17 possible seaweed tiles are valid spawning tiles.</ref>
<ref name="summer_bonus_std">During summer 12-14, <tt>GameLocation::spawnObjects</tt> is called six times instead of one: <tt>Beach::DayUpdate</tt> calls it five times on top of the standard call made by <tt>GameLocation::DayUpdate</tt>. However, the extra calls to <tt>spawnObjects</tt> are largely ineffective, because the same locations are tested every time -- the random-number seed (based on game ID and days played) is always the same.</ref>
<ref name="summer_bonus_tide">During summer 12-14, the extra Coral and Sea Urchins have 1239 valid spawning tiles out of the 2600 that could be randomly selected.</ref>
<ref name="green_ocean"><tt>Beach::resetSharedState</tt> changes the water color, adding a green overlay, only on Summer 12-14.</ref>
<ref name="artifact_spots">Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 777 are valid spawn locations for artifact spots year-round. See [[Artifact Spot]] for more information.</ref>
<ref name="artifact_extra">The chance of finding extra items in Artifact Spots in season-dependent: the chance is 50% smaller in winter. See [[Artifact Spot]] for more information.</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">The raw chance of bubbles forming at the beach is the same as on all other maps, see <tt>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</tt>, specifically regarding <tt>fishSplashPoint</tt>.  However, the code randomly selects any tile on the map and only creates bubbles if that tile happens to be a "fishable" tile.  With 2307 of 5200 (44%) fishable tiles, the Beach has a much higher fraction than other maps.</ref>
<ref name="panning">The code in <tt>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</tt> that spawns <tt>orePanPoints</tt> is skipped on the Beach, but the test does not recognize the <tt>BeachNightMarket</tt> map.</ref>

2021年3月5日 (金) 16:15時点における版

Robin building.png
- ロビン


Galaxyによって最後に編集されました 2021-03-05 16:15:50.


ビーチペリカンタウンの南に位置します。釣りにとって重要なエリアであり、すべての海水の唯一の供給源となっています。また、多くの貝殻や採取可能なアイテムがビーチに打ち上げられているのを見つけることができます(特に夏の12日~14日)。 のあいだはルアウパーティーゲッコウクラゲのダンスが催されます。の15日~17日には、桟橋で夜の市が開催されます。


















  • Clam.png アサリ (春/秋56%、夏43%、冬24%)
  • Mussel.png ムールガイ (春/秋19%、夏14%、冬12%)
  • Oyster.png カキ (春/秋19%、夏14%、冬12%)
  • Cockle.png ザルガイ (春/秋6%、夏5%、冬3%)
  • 夏のみ: Rainbow Shell.png レインボーシェル (24%)
  • 冬のみ: Nautilus Shell.png オウムガイの貝がら (48%)


ほとんどのビーチアイテムは季節固有ではありませんが、季節の初日より前、および日曜日の朝より前に削除されます。 これには、潮の水たまりのアイテムと夏の大量採取期間アイテムが含まれます。[4]



Coral.png サンゴSea Urchin.png ウニは、潮の水たまりエリア全体に出現する可能性があります(地図上に青色で表示)。どちらのアイテムの数にも厳しい制限はありません。全ての潮の水たまりアイテムの平均スポーン率は1日あたり1.2になります。[5] 標準の採取物とは異なり、この確率は日曜日の朝や季節の初日に増加しません。全ての潮の水たまりアイテムの20%はウニ、80%はサンゴになります。スポーンするサンゴとウニのいくつかは、潮の水たまりで見つかった茂みのようなイソギンチャクの後ろの半分隠されたマスに出る可能性が有るため、見落とされる可能性があります。

Seaweed.png 海草も潮の水たまりの近くでスポーンできますが、沿岸のすぐそばの狭い地帯でのみスポーンできます(地図上に緑色で表示されています)。海草がスポーンする確率は1日あたり3%です。


Extra items are found on the beach on summer 12-14. Some of the bonus items are standard forageables because their spawning rate is slightly higher than usual (1.4/night instead of 1.1/night)[6].

More noticeably, extra Corals and Sea Urchins spawn during these three days, at an average rate of 4/night (20% Sea Urchins, 80% Corals).[7] They can appear nearly anywhere on the beach (white areas on map) -- both east and west of the bridge -- except for the piers. This is only the time of year when Corals and Sea Urchins appear at the west end of the beach.

During these three days, the ocean is distinctly greener than usual.[8] However, the map is otherwise unchanged, and therefore any objects previously placed on the beach (Crab Pots, Chests, Trees, etc.) remain available, unlike during other events on the beach.


Artifacts that can be found by digging up Artifact Spots on the Beach are:

Other possible items are:

Note that Rice Shoots are never found at the Beach (either in Artifact Spots, or in Fishing Treasure Chests).

Artifact spots spawn on the beach at an average rate of 0.4 per night, except in winter when the average rate increases to 0.5 per night.[10]


Fishing Zones on the Beach

All water at the beach is considered to be saltwater, even the section of the river upstream of the bridge (where, in the real world, freshwater fish would be more likely). Therefore, the same fish are available regardless of where on the beach you are fishing (with the exception of the Crimsonfish, one of the five Legendary Fish, that is only available from the east end of the beach).

Visually, the piers seem to provide better access to deep (dark blue) water. However, in terms of fishing mechanics the piers are considered to be land. Therefore, casts made from the end of the pier have no inherent advantage over casts made from the shore. Similarly, the light blue (apparently shallow) water color to the east and west of the beach has no actual gameplay significance.

Bubbles tend to appear at the Beach more often than other locations because such a large fraction of the map is covered in water[11]. However, they also frequently appear so far offshore that they are unreachable, even with high Fishing skill.

Spring.png  6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1
Sardine.png イワシ
Flounder.png 平らな魚
Anchovy.png カタクチイワシ
Herring.png ニシン
Seaweed.png 海草
Halibut.png オヒョウ
Eel.png ウナギ 雨の日のみ
Summer.png  6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1
Octopus.png タコ
Tilapia.png ティラピア
Red Mullet.png ウミヒゴイ
Red Snapper.png フエダイ 雨の日のみ
Tuna.png マグロ
Flounder.png 平らな魚
Seaweed.png 海草
Halibut.png オヒョウ
Pufferfish.png ハリセンボン 晴れの日のみ
Super Cucumber.png スーパーナマコ
Fall.png  6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1
Tilapia.png ティラピア
Red Snapper.png フエダイ 雨の日のみ
Sardine.png イワシ
Sea Cucumber.png ナマコ
Anchovy.png カタクチイワシ
Seaweed.png 海草
Albacore.png ビンナガ
Eel.png ウナギ 雨の日のみ
Super Cucumber.png スーパーナマコ
Winter.png  6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1
Red Mullet.png ウミヒゴイ
Sardine.png イワシ
Sea Cucumber.png ナマコ
Tuna.png マグロ
Herring.png ニシン
Red Snapper.png フエダイ 雨の日のみ
Seaweed.png 海草
Albacore.png ビンナガ
Halibut.png オヒョウ
Squid.png イカ



  • ビーチの北西には、2本の木の間に怪しげな穴が開いています。
  • ここの水は論理的には塩水であり多くの植物には危険ですが、プレイヤーは普通の水としてジョウロに汲むことができ、あらゆる作物に使用できます。



  1. Experience is rewarded by GameLocation::checkAction, based in part on whether an item Object.isForage. Although shells and fish would not normally qualify as forage items, Object.isForage explicitly allows all items found on the beach to be considered forage.
  2. For each forage item, the provided percentage is the average percentage of all standard forage items that will be the specified item for that season. The input data is Locations.xnb, which is processed by code in GameLocation::spawnObjects.
  3. Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 647 (12%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items. 133 of these locations are east of the broken bridge. For more information on forage item spawning, see Foraging.
  4. See game code in Beach::DayUpdate. Note that all extra items are created using GameLocation::dropObject, which gives them the isSpawnedObject flag, causing them to automatically be destroyed at the end of a week/season.
  5. The game code spawning tide pool items is in Beach::DayUpdate. Coral and Sea Urchins are created within a loop that starts with a base 100% chance, then repeats indefinitely, multiplying the chance by 0.5 each time, until one of the tests fail. The actual spawn rate is reduced slightly by valid locations: the code randomly selects any of 300 tiles, but only 212 of the tiles are valid spawning tiles. Seaweed is created within a second loop, where the chance of the first seaweed is 0.025 (0.25*0.1), but multiple loops are also possible. Location selection does not alter the spawning chance, because all 17 possible seaweed tiles are valid spawning tiles.
  6. During summer 12-14, GameLocation::spawnObjects is called six times instead of one: Beach::DayUpdate calls it five times on top of the standard call made by GameLocation::DayUpdate. However, the extra calls to spawnObjects are largely ineffective, because the same locations are tested every time -- the random-number seed (based on game ID and days played) is always the same.
  7. During summer 12-14, the extra Coral and Sea Urchins have 1239 valid spawning tiles out of the 2600 that could be randomly selected.
  8. Beach::resetSharedState changes the water color, adding a green overlay, only on Summer 12-14.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The chance of finding extra items in Artifact Spots in season-dependent: the chance is 50% smaller in winter. See Artifact Spot for more information.
  10. Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 777 are valid spawn locations for artifact spots year-round. See Artifact Spot for more information.
  11. The raw chance of bubbles forming at the beach is the same as on all other maps, see GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate, specifically regarding fishSplashPoint. However, the code randomly selects any tile on the map and only creates bubbles if that tile happens to be a "fishable" tile. With 2307 of 5200 (44%) fishable tiles, the Beach has a much higher fraction than other maps.
  12. The code in GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate that spawns orePanPoints is skipped on the Beach, but the test does not recognize the BeachNightMarket map.


  • 1.4: 採取可能な海草のスポーンを追加しました。夜の市中にアイテムを設置できなくなりました。