
サイズ変更なし 、 2022年9月6日 (火) 03:34
1,380行目: 1,380行目:     
{{quote|あら、もしかして…あの 古い牧場に引っ越して来たのはあなたかしら。
{{Quote|あら、もしかして…あの 古い牧場に引っ越して来たのはあなたかしら。
ちょっと 気恥ずかしいかな。生い茂った 農地を一人で探検するのが好きだったからね。}}
ちょっと 気恥ずかしいかな。生い茂った 農地を一人で探検するのが好きだったからね。}}
{{quote|こんにちは! 墓場に行ったことはある? 一人きりになれる静かな場所よ。}}
{{Quote|こんにちは! 墓場に行ったことはある? 一人きりになれる静かな場所よ。}}
{{quote|うーん…今は 気分が 良くないの。
{{Quote|うーん…今は 気分が 良くないの。
ええ、気分はサイアクだけど... 何か用?}}
ええ、気分はサイアクだけど... 何か用?}}
{{quote|...*はぁ*... 両親の意見はよくわかるけど、 あたしの意見を理解してくれてない時があるの。 二人とも若いころのことは忘れたのかしら?}}
{{Quote|...*はぁ*... 両親の意見はよくわかるけど、 あたしの意見を理解してくれてない時があるの。 二人とも若いころのことは忘れたのかしら?}}
{{quote|ねぇ、失礼なことを言いそうだから先に謝るけど、 昨晩は全然眠れなかったの。 それで、何か用?}}
{{Quote|ねぇ、失礼なことを言いそうだから先に謝るけど、 昨晩は全然眠れなかったの。 それで、何か用?}}
{{quote|サイアク、今夜はパパが夕食を作る日だって… 今日は何もする気が起きないわ…}}
{{Quote|サイアク、今夜はパパが夕食を作る日だって… 今日は何もする気が起きないわ…}}
{{quote|こんな日には山の新鮮な空気が一番ね。 カエルがそろそろ姿を見せるころかな。}}
{{Quote|こんな日には山の新鮮な空気が一番ね。 カエルがそろそろ姿を見せるころかな。}}
{{quote|あら、[プレイヤー名]さんこんにちは。今休憩してるとこ? あたしもよ。あっ!体を休めてるわけじゃなくて…オンラインで受けてる授業の合間なだけ。}}
{{Quote|あら、[プレイヤー名]さんこんにちは。今休憩してるとこ? あたしもよ。あっ!体を休めてるわけじゃなくて…オンラインで受けてる授業の合間なだけ。}}
{{quote|Hi, I'm glad to see you. I want to take my mind off things for a while... how is your day going?}}
{{Quote|Hi, I'm glad to see you. I want to take my mind off things for a while... how is your day going?}}
{{quote|あっ、今日は金曜日か。 時々、曜日の感覚がなくなっちゃうのよ。}}
{{Quote|あっ、今日は金曜日か。 時々、曜日の感覚がなくなっちゃうのよ。}}
{{quote|今夜はみんなで酒場に集まるの。 金曜日の習慣ってところかな。 }}
{{Quote|今夜はみんなで酒場に集まるの。 金曜日の習慣ってところかな。 }}
{{quote|ああ、週末返上で宿題漬けよ。 今日もまた徹夜することになりそう...}}
{{Quote|ああ、週末返上で宿題漬けよ。 今日もまた徹夜することになりそう...}}
{{quote|Hey. We had one of those [items] you sold at the shop for dinner last night... I guess it was starting to go bad and my Dad couldn't bear to throw it out. Unfortunately it tasted like [adjective].}}
{{Quote|Hey. We had one of those [items] you sold at the shop for dinner last night... I guess it was starting to go bad and my Dad couldn't bear to throw it out. Unfortunately it tasted like [adjective].}}
{{quote|Hey. We had one of those [items] you sold at the shop for dinner last night... I guess it was starting to go bad and my Dad couldn't bear to throw it out. It was still pretty good, though.}}
{{Quote|Hey. We had one of those [items] you sold at the shop for dinner last night... I guess it was starting to go bad and my Dad couldn't bear to throw it out. It was still pretty good, though.}}
{{quote|You came all this way to visit me? That's nice. So have you been exploring the mountain caves at all? Interesting. I'd like to go there myself one of these days.}}
{{Quote|You came all this way to visit me? That's nice. So have you been exploring the mountain caves at all? Interesting. I'd like to go there myself one of these days.}}
{{quote|…あら、[プレイヤー名]!こんにちは。 ちょっとヒマつぶしでもしない?ほら、手相を見てあげる。クスクス!}}
{{Quote|…あら、[プレイヤー名]!こんにちは。 ちょっとヒマつぶしでもしない?ほら、手相を見てあげる。クスクス!}}
{{quote|夏が来たわね。あたしにとっては苦手な季節だけど。 蒸し暑くってスープの中に浮いてる感じ。}}
{{Quote|夏が来たわね。あたしにとっては苦手な季節だけど。 蒸し暑くってスープの中に浮いてる感じ。}}
{{quote|夏の空気ってハチミツたいにドロドロしてるのよね。 目まいがしそう。}}
{{Quote|夏の空気ってハチミツたいにドロドロしてるのよね。 目まいがしそう。}}
{{quote|昨晩暗くなってから海に行ったの... 変な光が海の上に浮かんでいるのを時たま見るのよ。現実味がないから多分夢を見てたのかもしれない…}}
{{Quote|昨晩暗くなってから海に行ったの... 変な光が海の上に浮かんでいるのを時たま見るのよ。現実味がないから多分夢を見てたのかもしれない…}}
{{quote|もしも剣の使い方を知っていたなら今ごろ山の洞窟へ探検しに行ってたかも。 涼しくて素敵そうな場所だから}}
{{Quote|もしも剣の使い方を知っていたなら今ごろ山の洞窟へ探検しに行ってたかも。 涼しくて素敵そうな場所だから}}
{{quote|うえっ、 今年の夏は日焼けしたくないな。}}
{{Quote|うえっ、 今年の夏は日焼けしたくないな。}}
{{quote|I'm looking forward to fall... the cool mountain breeze, the swirling red petals, the smell of mushrooms... <nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>}}
{{Quote|I'm looking forward to fall... the cool mountain breeze, the swirling red petals, the smell of mushrooms... <nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>}}
{{quote|あなたのところみたいな、古い感じの農家で暮らしてみたい。 床のきしむ音やたれ木に静かに舞う綿ほこり… 古い建物って特別な何かがあるのよね。}}
{{Quote|あなたのところみたいな、古い感じの農家で暮らしてみたい。 床のきしむ音やたれ木に静かに舞う綿ほこり… 古い建物って特別な何かがあるのよね。}}
{{quote|面白い [男/女]の人ね、 <nowiki>[プレイヤー名]</nowiki>.って。引っ越してきてくれてうれしい。}}
{{Quote|面白い [男/女]の人ね、 <nowiki>[プレイヤー名]</nowiki>.って。引っ越してきてくれてうれしい。}}
{{quote|本当のところ、今年の夏は楽しめてるの。 物事の見方がこんなに早く変わるなんて変かな。}}
{{Quote|本当のところ、今年の夏は楽しめてるの。 物事の見方がこんなに早く変わるなんて変かな。}}
{{quote|ああ、やっと秋が来た! 夏にはうんざりしてたわ。}}
{{Quote|ああ、やっと秋が来た! 夏にはうんざりしてたわ。}}
{{quote|I need to stretch my legs and get some fresh air today.}}
{{Quote|I need to stretch my legs and get some fresh air today.}}
{{quote|I try to help out in the shop on most days. Business has been pretty bad since the Joja Mart opened, though.}}
{{Quote|I try to help out in the shop on most days. Business has been pretty bad since the Joja Mart opened, though.}}
{{quote|I can't wait to see some pumpkins this year. The spirit's eve festival happens at the end of the season. It's pretty low-key compared to what you'd see in Zuzu City, but for a small town like this it's a lot of fun.}}
{{Quote|I can't wait to see some pumpkins this year. The spirit's eve festival happens at the end of the season. It's pretty low-key compared to what you'd see in Zuzu City, but for a small town like this it's a lot of fun.}}
{{quote|Last night, I dreamt that my left hand had turned into a gigantic [random object]... Does that mean anything?}}
{{Quote|Last night, I dreamt that my left hand had turned into a gigantic [random object]... Does that mean anything?}}
{{quote|Do you have any scarecrows on your farm?}}
{{Quote|Do you have any scarecrows on your farm?}}
{{quote|今年は牧場でカボチャを育ててるの? 1つ、あたしのためにとっておいて!}}
{{Quote|今年は牧場でカボチャを育ててるの? 1つ、あたしのためにとっておいて!}}
{{quote|I may fight with my parents a lot, but I know they're just looking out for me. They're doing what they think is best. I dunno why I'm saying this to you. Don't tell anyone.}}
{{Quote|I may fight with my parents a lot, but I know they're just looking out for me. They're doing what they think is best. I dunno why I'm saying this to you. Don't tell anyone.}}
{{quote|Ever since Joja Mart shut down we've been doing great at the shop!}}
{{Quote|Ever since Joja Mart shut down we've been doing great at the shop!}}
{{quote|I can't believe you fixed up that old Community Center all by yourself. I'm really impressed.}}
{{Quote|I can't believe you fixed up that old Community Center all by yourself. I'm really impressed.}}
{{quote|あら。 今日の髪型、かっこいいじゃない... イメチェンでもしたの?}}
{{Quote|あら。 今日の髪型、かっこいいじゃない... イメチェンでもしたの?}}
{{quote|この季節がもう少し長く続けばいいのに。 風が強くなった時、子どもに戻ったような気持ちになるの。}}
{{Quote|この季節がもう少し長く続けばいいのに。 風が強くなった時、子どもに戻ったような気持ちになるの。}}
{{quote|ねえ、あたしもいつか牧場主になってやるんだ... でもそのためには、まずどうしたらいいかな? <nowiki>*ふふっ*</nowiki>}}
{{Quote|ねえ、あたしもいつか牧場主になってやるんだ... でもそのためには、まずどうしたらいいかな? <nowiki>*ふふっ*</nowiki>}}
{{quote|Well, fall is over... But I like winter, too!}}
{{Quote|Well, fall is over... But I like winter, too!}}
{{quote|It's just too cold to go outside much. But I do enjoy building a snowgoon.}}
{{Quote|It's just too cold to go outside much. But I do enjoy building a snowgoon.}}
{{quote|Doesn't a steaming hot cup of cocoa sound good right now?}}
{{Quote|Doesn't a steaming hot cup of cocoa sound good right now?}}
{{quote|Hi. Is it boring to be a farmer during the winter?}}
{{Quote|Hi. Is it boring to be a farmer during the winter?}}
{{quote|It must be nice not having crops to worry about this time of year.}}
{{Quote|It must be nice not having crops to worry about this time of year.}}
{{quote|Another year is almost over. It goes by so fast, doesn't it?}}
{{Quote|Another year is almost over. It goes by so fast, doesn't it?}}
{{quote|One thing I've learned living here... everyone stares at you if you look different.}}
{{Quote|One thing I've learned living here... everyone stares at you if you look different.}}
{{quote|It's the weekend! That means I can play twice as many video games. Bye.}}
{{Quote|It's the weekend! That means I can play twice as many video games. Bye.}}
{{quote|Hi. If you're ever bored, you can always hang out in my room. As long as I'm not changing, of course!}}
{{Quote|Hi. If you're ever bored, you can always hang out in my room. As long as I'm not changing, of course!}}
{{quote|すごく寒いわね。 あたたかいココアを分け合えたらなぁ。}}
{{Quote|すごく寒いわね。 あたたかいココアを分け合えたらなぁ。}}
{{quote|I've been daydreaming a lot lately... Oh! You want to know what it's about? Well... ...It's a secret.}}
{{Quote|I've been daydreaming a lot lately... Oh! You want to know what it's about? Well... ...It's a secret.}}
{{quote|It must be nice not having crops to worry about this time of year. And that means you can hang out with me more often!}}
{{Quote|It must be nice not having crops to worry about this time of year. And that means you can hang out with me more often!}}
'''交際中 / ハート10'''
'''交際中 / ハート10'''
{{quote|Hi. Do you feel like everything seems unreal lately? Not in a bad way, though.}}
{{Quote|Hi. Do you feel like everything seems unreal lately? Not in a bad way, though.}}
{{quote|いつもこの時期はさびしくなるけど、今は違う。 [プレイヤー名], 将来について何か考えてる?}}
{{Quote|いつもこの時期はさびしくなるけど、今は違う。 [プレイヤー名], 将来について何か考えてる?}}
えっと... その... あー... その靴! 本当に、うぅ...きれいにしてるね...  
えっと... その... あー... その靴! 本当に、うぅ...きれいにしてるね...  
それだけよ... *はぁ*}}
それだけよ... *はぁ*}}
{{quote|Another year is almost over... But this was a really good year, don't you think?}}
{{Quote|Another year is almost over... But this was a really good year, don't you think?}}
{{quote|Wow, you look nice today. I mean, that summer air is really good for the complexion, isn't it?... heh...}}
{{Quote|Wow, you look nice today. I mean, that summer air is really good for the complexion, isn't it?... heh...}}
{{quote|Do you ever get lonely on your farm?}}
{{Quote|Do you ever get lonely on your farm?}}
{{quote|昨晩見た夢にあなたが出てきたわ。 面白くていい夢だったわ。}}
{{Quote|昨晩見た夢にあなたが出てきたわ。 面白くていい夢だったわ。}}
{{quote|えへへ。 このあたしが結婚? こうなるなんて考えたことなかったよ。 2人でいっぱい楽しいことしようね。}}
{{Quote|えへへ。 このあたしが結婚? こうなるなんて考えたことなかったよ。 2人でいっぱい楽しいことしようね。}}
{{quote|牧場主と婚約か… ワォ! 私たちの人生、今からガラッと変わっちゃうね。}}
{{Quote|牧場主と婚約か… ワォ! 私たちの人生、今からガラッと変わっちゃうね。}}
{{quote|Don't talk to me!}}
{{Quote|Don't talk to me!}}
{{quote|<nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>... I can't stay mad at you anymore, [プレイヤー名]. Let's just move on with our lives.}}
{{Quote|<nowiki>*sigh*</nowiki>... I can't stay mad at you anymore, [プレイヤー名]. Let's just move on with our lives.}}
      1,506行目: 1,506行目:     
''春 12日 / Day Before''
''春 12日 / Day Before''
{{quote|That's flattering... but I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.}}
{{Quote|That's flattering... but I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry.}}
''春 23日 / Day Before''
''春 23日 / Day Before''
{{quote|そういえば明日はフラワーダンスね。 ダンスはいいんだけど、 あのダサくて白いドレスを着させられるのがヤだな...}}
{{Quote|そういえば明日はフラワーダンスね。 ダンスはいいんだけど、 あのダサくて白いドレスを着させられるのがヤだな...}}
''夏の10日 / ルアウの前日''
''夏の10日 / ルアウの前日''
{{quote|みんな明日のお祭りが待ちきれないみたい。 知事が町にやってくるから少し緊張しているんだろうけど。}}
{{Quote|みんな明日のお祭りが待ちきれないみたい。 知事が町にやってくるから少し緊張しているんだろうけど。}}
''夏 27日 / Day Before''
''夏 27日 / Day Before''
{{quote|明日のお祭りは見逃せないよ。 この谷でもっとも美しくて、ステキなものだからね。}}
{{Quote|明日のお祭りは見逃せないよ。 この谷でもっとも美しくて、ステキなものだからね。}}
{{quote|ハニー、見て... ほら、あなたよ!}}
{{Quote|ハニー、見て... ほら、あなたよ!}}
''冬 7日 / Day Before''
''冬 7日 / Day Before''
{{quote|I'm looking forward to making a snow man tomorrow.}}
{{Quote|I'm looking forward to making a snow man tomorrow.}}
''冬 24日 / Day Before''
''冬 24日 / Day Before''
{{quote|I'm going to eat so much cranberry sauce tomorrow.}}
{{Quote|I'm going to eat so much cranberry sauce tomorrow.}}
1,575行目: 1,575行目:  
{{quote|Heading to the mines? Hey... if you find something tasty, remember to bring me a piece!}}
{{Quote|Heading to the mines? Hey... if you find something tasty, remember to bring me a piece!}}
{{quote|ねぇ! 今日は何をしようか考えてたの。こんなに自由な時って今までなかったからね!}}
{{Quote|ねぇ! 今日は何をしようか考えてたの。こんなに自由な時って今までなかったからね!}}
{{quote|時々飾りつけを飼えちゃっても気にしないでいてくれるよね? 自由に飾りつけできる場所があるってワクワクするわ。}}
{{Quote|時々飾りつけを飼えちゃっても気にしないでいてくれるよね? 自由に飾りつけできる場所があるってワクワクするわ。}}
{{quote|There's always something new happening on our farm... I love it.}}
{{Quote|There's always something new happening on our farm... I love it.}}
{{quote|ねぇ、 [プレイヤー名]. 今日は外へ出るの? こんなものを見つけたわ... もし危なくなったら使ってね。あなたの助けになるはずよ。}}
{{Quote|ねぇ、 [プレイヤー名]. 今日は外へ出るの? こんなものを見つけたわ... もし危なくなったら使ってね。あなたの助けになるはずよ。}}
{{quote|今日は山からやさしい風が吹いてきてるわね。 松の木とセージみたいな香りがするわ。}}
{{Quote|今日は山からやさしい風が吹いてきてるわね。 松の木とセージみたいな香りがするわ。}}
{{quote|うーん... 屋外でスライムを飼うには十分なスペースがあると思うの!}}
{{Quote|うーん... 屋外でスライムを飼うには十分なスペースがあると思うの!}}
{{quote|洞窟も所有できたなんてすごいわ。 そういうのをずっと夢見てたのよ。}}
{{Quote|洞窟も所有できたなんてすごいわ。 そういうのをずっと夢見てたのよ。}}
{{quote|いつもポケットに軽食を入れ忘れるのよ。 <nowiki>*グゥ*</nowiki>}}
{{Quote|いつもポケットに軽食を入れ忘れるのよ。 <nowiki>*グゥ*</nowiki>}}
{{quote|あたしはこの辺をブラブラしようかしら。 興味深い虫やほかのものが見つかるからね。 <nowiki>*ふふっ*</nowiki>}}
{{Quote|あたしはこの辺をブラブラしようかしら。 興味深い虫やほかのものが見つかるからね。 <nowiki>*ふふっ*</nowiki>}}
{{quote|I今日は良い一日だったわ。 目を凝らしてみると、いつもそこらじゅうで何か興味深いことが起こってるわ。}}
{{Quote|I今日は良い一日だったわ。 目を凝らしてみると、いつもそこらじゅうで何か興味深いことが起こってるわ。}}
{{quote|ねえ! 今日はどんな一日だったか聞かせて? 何か面白いことはあった?}}
{{Quote|ねえ! 今日はどんな一日だったか聞かせて? 何か面白いことはあった?}}
{{quote|*ふわぁ*... もう今日はこれくらいにしようかしら。}}
{{Quote|*ふわぁ*... もう今日はこれくらいにしようかしら。}}
{{quote|ここでは夜の音がよりはっきり聞こえるのね。 そういうの本当に楽しいわ。}}
{{Quote|ここでは夜の音がよりはっきり聞こえるのね。 そういうの本当に楽しいわ。}}
{{quote|そろそろ寝る準備はできた? 電気毛布のスイッチは入れたわよ...}}
{{Quote|そろそろ寝る準備はできた? 電気毛布のスイッチは入れたわよ...}}
{{quote|闇と... 雨... 心が躍るわね。どう思う?ダーリン。}}
{{Quote|闇と... 雨... 心が躍るわね。どう思う?ダーリン。}}
{{quote|Hey, remember when we played that duet by the lake? This weather reminds me of that day. You really surprised me with that mini-harp... I never expected that. I guess that's why I like you so much.}}
{{Quote|Hey, remember when we played that duet by the lake? This weather reminds me of that day. You really surprised me with that mini-harp... I never expected that. I guess that's why I like you so much.}}
{{quote|It might be a good day to visit the caves, huh? Just be careful out there. If you go, bring a Life Elixir or two.}}
{{Quote|It might be a good day to visit the caves, huh? Just be careful out there. If you go, bring a Life Elixir or two.}}
{{quote|Maybe I'll boot up Journey Of The Prairie King today... one of these days I swear I'll beat it on my own.}}
{{Quote|Maybe I'll boot up Journey Of The Prairie King today... one of these days I swear I'll beat it on my own.}}
{{quote|The countryside looks more interesting on a day like this, don't you think?}}
{{Quote|The countryside looks more interesting on a day like this, don't you think?}}
{{quote|Hey! I woke up early and did some exploring on my own. I found this and it reminded me of you. Think you can find something better than that? I'm not so sure!}}
{{Quote|Hey! I woke up early and did some exploring on my own. I found this and it reminded me of you. Think you can find something better than that? I'm not so sure!}}
{{quote|I was just gazing out into the rainswept woods... I swear I saw something darker than black shifting around the trees.}}
{{Quote|I was just gazing out into the rainswept woods... I swear I saw something darker than black shifting around the trees.}}
{{quote|It's a good night to see a ghost...}}
{{Quote|It's a good night to see a ghost...}}
{{quote|あなたは感じる? 雨の中の静けさを...}}
{{Quote|あなたは感じる? 雨の中の静けさを...}}
{{quote|こんな夜は、 明かりを消して周りの音に耳を傾けるのが好きなの...}}
{{Quote|こんな夜は、 明かりを消して周りの音に耳を傾けるのが好きなの...}}
{{quote|Hey! You look like you've been hard at work. Can I help you relax?}}
{{Quote|Hey! You look like you've been hard at work. Can I help you relax?}}
{{quote|Have you been working hard? You look cute when you're a little exhausted.}}
{{Quote|Have you been working hard? You look cute when you're a little exhausted.}}
{{quote|The sound of rain should put us right to sleep tonight.}}
{{Quote|The sound of rain should put us right to sleep tonight.}}
{{quote|I'm ready to hop into bed whenever you are. The sound of rain will put us right to sleep.}}
{{Quote|I'm ready to hop into bed whenever you are. The sound of rain will put us right to sleep.}}
''Giving soup''
''Giving soup''
{{quote|I felt like making some soup for dinner. I hope it's not too disgusting.}}
{{Quote|I felt like making some soup for dinner. I hope it's not too disgusting.}}
{{quote|ねぇ! いい1日だったかしら? あたしの方はいい感じだったわ。散歩すると気分が良くなるわね。}}
{{Quote|ねぇ! いい1日だったかしら? あたしの方はいい感じだったわ。散歩すると気分が良くなるわね。}}
{{quote|I can't believe I'm a "mom"... life is weird.}}
{{Quote|I can't believe I'm a "mom"... life is weird.}}
{{quote|I already gave [child] and [child] their chocolate cereal. They were screaming!}}
{{Quote|I already gave [child] and [child] their chocolate cereal. They were screaming!}}
{{quote|I had a dream that [child] will grow up to be a famous monster hunter. I've already been thinking about a little armor set.}}
{{Quote|I had a dream that [child] will grow up to be a famous monster hunter. I've already been thinking about a little armor set.}}
{{quote|A cool old house, a couple kids, and an amazing farm. I never thought I'd come this far... but, hey! Our lives are just getting started.}}
{{Quote|A cool old house, a couple kids, and an amazing farm. I never thought I'd come this far... but, hey! Our lives are just getting started.}}
'''Good Mood / High Hearts'''
'''Good Mood / High Hearts'''
{{quote|Did you hear that? Sometimes I'm convinced this house is haunted.}}
{{Quote|Did you hear that? Sometimes I'm convinced this house is haunted.}}
{{quote|Welwick's horoscope predicted great things for me today. I feel really motivated!}}
{{Quote|Welwick's horoscope predicted great things for me today. I feel really motivated!}}
{{quote|I can't even remember the last time I dyed my hair... I swear, it never fades from this color...}}
{{Quote|I can't even remember the last time I dyed my hair... I swear, it never fades from this color...}}
{{quote|引っ越す前にブーツを持っててよかったわ。 スニーカーを汚さないように泥の中を歩き回るのは難しいからね。}}
{{Quote|引っ越す前にブーツを持っててよかったわ。 スニーカーを汚さないように泥の中を歩き回るのは難しいからね。}}
{{quote|あなたがくれた人魚のペンダント、本当にステキね... 生涯ずっと身に着けるつもりよ。}}
{{Quote|あなたがくれた人魚のペンダント、本当にステキね... 生涯ずっと身に着けるつもりよ。}}
{{quote|ねぇ。あなたが聡明な人だってわかってるけど、時々心配になるの。 この世界はモンスターだらけだかたね。 気を付けるって約束して。 あなたを失いたくないの。}}
{{Quote|ねぇ。あなたが聡明な人だってわかってるけど、時々心配になるの。 この世界はモンスターだらけだかたね。 気を付けるって約束して。 あなたを失いたくないの。}}
{{quote|[プレイヤー名]? あなたがあたしたちのために尽くしてくれていることすべてに感謝したいの。すごく誇らしく思ってるわ。}}
{{Quote|[プレイヤー名]? あなたがあたしたちのために尽くしてくれていることすべてに感謝したいの。すごく誇らしく思ってるわ。}}
'''Neutral Mood'''
'''Neutral Mood'''
{{quote|I hope you'll still like me when I'm old and shriveled. It's going to happen some day!}}
{{Quote|I hope you'll still like me when I'm old and shriveled. It's going to happen some day!}}
{{quote|Do you think your Grandpa would be proud of us?}}
{{Quote|Do you think your Grandpa would be proud of us?}}
{{quote|I wonder how the old shop is doing? I should visit my parents again soon.}}
{{Quote|I wonder how the old shop is doing? I should visit my parents again soon.}}
{{quote|If you moved on to the spirit world, I'd set up a little shrine for you next to Grandpa's.}}
{{Quote|If you moved on to the spirit world, I'd set up a little shrine for you next to Grandpa's.}}
{{quote|No matter how much we clean, the house keeps getting dirty again. I guess farms are kind of dirty.}}
{{Quote|No matter how much we clean, the house keeps getting dirty again. I guess farms are kind of dirty.}}
{{quote|I wonder if we'll live here our entire lives? I might get bored.}}
{{Quote|I wonder if we'll live here our entire lives? I might get bored.}}
'''Bad Mood / Low Hearts'''
'''Bad Mood / Low Hearts'''
{{quote|I used to be special to you, your best friend... now you only seem to put up with me when I make a hot dinner.}}
{{Quote|I used to be special to you, your best friend... now you only seem to put up with me when I make a hot dinner.}}
{{quote|You've been so cold to me lately... What's wrong with you? You're acting like a bog spirit...}}
{{Quote|You've been so cold to me lately... What's wrong with you? You're acting like a bog spirit...}}
{{quote|I wonder if I could've done better... I was very good friends with Sebastian before we met. He was probably the one...}}
{{Quote|I wonder if I could've done better... I was very good friends with Sebastian before we met. He was probably the one...}}
{{quote|I may like the colder seasons, but by the end I'm always glad to see spring arrive.}}
{{Quote|I may like the colder seasons, but by the end I'm always glad to see spring arrive.}}
''春 1日''
''春 1日''
''春 2日''
''春 2日''
{{quote|新年の誓いは何かある? あたしはすこしシェイプアップをしようかなって思ってる。}}
{{Quote|新年の誓いは何かある? あたしはすこしシェイプアップをしようかなって思ってる。}}
''Day before the Egg Festival''
''Day before the Egg Festival''
{{quote|Hey, the egg festival is tomorrow. I'm sorry, but I won't go easy on you because we're married! I plan on winning that egg hunt. Go ahead and try to beat me.}}
{{Quote|Hey, the egg festival is tomorrow. I'm sorry, but I won't go easy on you because we're married! I plan on winning that egg hunt. Go ahead and try to beat me.}}
{{quote|Oh man... I could go for some chocolate cake.}}
{{Quote|Oh man... I could go for some chocolate cake.}}
''夏 1日''
''夏 1日''
{{quote|I get sunburnt very easily, so I need to be careful this time of year. I hope you like me pale!}}
{{Quote|I get sunburnt very easily, so I need to be careful this time of year. I hope you like me pale!}}
''夏 4日''
''夏 4日''
{{quote|Make sure you don't get a heat stroke, my love. Drink plenty of water and don't overwork yourself.}}
{{Quote|Make sure you don't get a heat stroke, my love. Drink plenty of water and don't overwork yourself.}}
''夏 8日''
''夏 8日''
{{quote|Sorry about the smell... I was sweating all night in the heat.}}
{{Quote|Sorry about the smell... I was sweating all night in the heat.}}
''夏 15日''
''夏 15日''
{{quote|It's summer... that means the house is full of flies. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. It's fun!}}
{{Quote|It's summer... that means the house is full of flies. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. It's fun!}}
{{quote|Do I smell pumpkin on you? Maybe I'm just dreaming...}}
{{Quote|Do I smell pumpkin on you? Maybe I'm just dreaming...}}
''秋 1日''
''秋 1日''
{{quote|The scent is unmistakable... mushroom, rotting leaves, pumpkin. It's fall, alright. Isn't it lovely?}}
{{Quote|The scent is unmistakable... mushroom, rotting leaves, pumpkin. It's fall, alright. Isn't it lovely?}}
''秋 2日''
''秋 2日''
{{quote|Can we grow giant pumpkins this season? Please, honey?}}
{{Quote|Can we grow giant pumpkins this season? Please, honey?}}
''秋 6日''
''秋 6日''
{{quote|Ah... fall. This might be my favorite time of year. The colors really complement my hair, don't you think?}}
{{Quote|Ah... fall. This might be my favorite time of year. The colors really complement my hair, don't you think?}}
''秋 20日''
''秋 20日''
{{quote|あなたのこと... 水晶がいっぱいの宝箱よりも価値があると思ってるの。 アメシストと比較してどうかって? うーん…ちょっと考えたほうがいいかしら。}}
{{Quote|あなたのこと... 水晶がいっぱいの宝箱よりも価値があると思ってるの。 アメシストと比較してどうかって? うーん…ちょっと考えたほうがいいかしら。}}
{{quote|Remember when we played 'Prairie King' together in my room, so long ago? Those were good times.}}
{{Quote|Remember when we played 'Prairie King' together in my room, so long ago? Those were good times.}}
''冬 1日''
''冬 1日''
''冬 3日''
''冬 3日''
{{quote|実は寒いのって好きなの。 だって家で暖まる口実になるから!}}
{{Quote|実は寒いのって好きなの。 だって家で暖まる口実になるから!}}
''冬 15日''
''冬 15日''
''冬 28日''
''冬 28日''
{{quote|"What are you doing here? Just leave me alone!"}}
{{Quote|"What are you doing here? Just leave me alone!"}}
